Michael Card launches books, DVDs and CDs about the Gospels
AMERICAN singer/songwriter Michael Card has launched a new series of
books, DVDs and CDs, Biblical Imagination Series. Card intends to
release a book, a record and a teaching video on each of the Gospels
and will commence with the Gospel of Luke. Said Card, "I had just
written a book on slavery and because of that research I became
convinced that Luke was a slave, so with this whole idea of engaging
with your imagination, you ask, who is it that wrote the Gospel? What
is it about their personality, what about them as an individual would
shape the Gospel in certain ways? So I started out just trying to read
the book as having been written by a slave. Certainly he was a doctor
- we know that for sure because Paul said so. So that's how I got into
it. The book really came to life."