SPRING HARVEST'S first 'At Work Together' conference, designed to meet the needs of all those in leadership, both in the workplace and in the churches, has been an overwhelming success. The conference, which was held in Sheffield from 9-12 September, attracted around 1000 delegates. With approximately 70 per cent of those attending being leaders in the workplace, and the remainder drawn from the full time church leadership, the conference addressed issues common to both, and both discovered, sometimes to their surprise, how much they had in common.
Stephen Gaukroger, the conference's Chairman, commented, 'The success
of the conference has surpassed our expectations. There has been a
very exciting dynamic between the delegates and genuinely supportive
attitudes between church and workplace leaders. This won't be the last
occasion on which these issues will be addressed.' Amongst those
speaking at the conference was Richard Eyre, Chief Executive for the
ITV Network. He said, 'I think the conference was brilliant. Business
leaders often feel the church doesn't understand them: church leaders
also feel alienated from the business community. This conference has
moved towards closing that loop.'