Stuart Pendred gets Christian distribution through Fierce!
CLASSICAL singer and actor Stuart Pendred has his album 'Benedizione'
distributed to UK Christian retail in June. Pendred is the founder,
director and performer with the award winning Tenors Unlimited, who
have performed alongside Sting, Lionel Ritchie and the Royal
Philharmonic Orchestra. Pendred has also performed for 18 months in
Trevor Nunn's West End production Les Miserables. The 'Benedizione'
album contains such songs as "Non Pui' Parole (Let My Words Be Few)",
"Amazing Grace" and "A Chi Ha Sete (All Who Are Thirsty)". Said
Pendred, "It has always been a desire of mine to record an album of
songs that reflected my personal faith and the way it has shaped my
journey through life. The songs on this album, beautifully written by
others, have greatly impacted me on that journey."
I first heard Stuart at the Keswick Convention in 2015. I bought the above CD. The following month I went out to do some voluntary work in an orphanage in Tanzania. There were power cuts in the night. I found this difficult as I had never experienced 'total darkness' before (I live in terraced property nr a lamp-post). I listened to Benedizioni on my ipod (husband trandfered it for me) The songs ministered to my spirit and calmed my soul. The xperience was undescribeable for me. I would just like to say thank you and God Bless your ministry.