30,000 sales later, the end is here for heavy metal band Force Three
FORCE THREE, one of Britain's earliest and most successful Christian heavy metal bands, have split. Founder members Charlie Wilson and drummer Andy Jackson have been playing together for five or six years. The band released one album "Warrior Of Light", on Pure Metal Records, which sold especially well in America, Canada and Australia.
"We estimate we sold around 30,000 albums," states Wilson, "although we never had hard evidence of sales. We used to get two to three letters a week from overseas - mainly from Christians who'd needed encouragement and had got it though our album. It achieved an awful lot. We never received any royalties though - you think with a Christian company you'd be fairly safe, but we never even received our expenses for the recording sessions on the album."
Wilson, whose previous band 100 Per Cent Proof are still fondly
remembered in heavy rock circles, is busy looking for musicians in the
Manchester area to put together another project. His stated objectives
for the future are to get "a good band, a mainstream record-deal and
good promotion."