Dave Cranson tells how a track by Johnny Cash impacted his life.

It wasn't actually the song itself which first triggered off this train of thought -but rather a few words spoken on the fade-out. Nor is it the original version of "Man In Black" written by Johnny Cash more than 20 years ago - but a more, ahem, noisy, up-to-date version.
If you think of someone to do a duet with Johnny Cash I don't think One Bad Pig would spring immediately to mind, but there it is, slap-bang in the middle of the first side of OBP's last album. And a more, er, unique version you are never likely to hear. I think that between them Johnny and Carey Womack only hit about five true notes in the whole song! That's not the point. The point is, it's a meeting of minds, a marriage of two radically different cultures that have the same basic aim - to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and his gifts of life and salvation. The part of the track that first caught my attention was, as I said, right at the end. Carey bellows out, I'm the man in Black!!!", and then apologises to Johnny that of course that's actually him. To which Johnny replies, "That's alright, we're in this together, if we're in it at all."
You know, that's so true. SO TRUE. This never fails to bring me to the point of tears. Unity in the Body of Christ (the 'Church' if you will). This is so important if we're ever going to break the enemy and encourage today's youth to become interested and involved in Christianity.
The song says that until wrongs are righted, until justice prevails - "You'll never see me wear a suit of white." A stand has been taken by both the band and Johnny Cash and it speaks to me too that Christians should be siding with this ethos. It speaks to me that even though different cultures can be diametrically opposed, in unity of mind and by the guidance of the Spirit, we can have the same goals in life and even make a difference in the lives of many people. We each have at least one God-given gift to be used for his glory and the help of others. I don't think that any section of the Church today can rubbish that which they do not like, or understand; or try to rubbish a ministry which is being used powerfully of God.
Even the Jews in the time of the apostles knew better than to be caught working against the will of God. (Acts 5:34-39)
My main interest, and the main reason behind this magazine, is the furtherance of Christian music, no matter what the style, no matter the artist or the denominational background. If we are all pulling in the one direction (the direction of Christ's leading) then we "can do everything through him who gives [us] strength." (Phil 4:13)
I would encourage us all, in our own niche, our own way, to take a stand. After all, "We're all in this together, if we're in it at all."
Words and music by John R Cash
Well, you wonder why I always dress in black
Why you never see
bright colours on my back
And why does my appearance seem to
have a somber tone
There's a reason for the things that I have
I wear the black for the poor and beaten-down
Livin' in the
hopeless, hungry side of town
I wear it for the prisoner who has
long paid for his crime
But is there because he s a victim of the
I'm the man - the man in black
Well, I wear the black for those who've never read
Or listened to
the words that Jesus said
About the road to happiness, through
love and charity
Well you'd think he's talkin' straight to you
and me
We're doing mighty fine I do suppose
In our streak-a-lightnin'
cars and fancy clothes
But, just so we're reminded of the ones
who are held back
Up front there ought to be a man in black
I'm the man - the man in black
I wear it for the sick and lonely old
For feckless ones whose bad
trip left them cold
I wear the black in mourning for the lives
that could have been
Each week we lose a hundred fine young men
Well there's things that never will be right I know
And things
need changin' everywhere you go
But 'til we start to make a move
to make a few things right
You'll never see me wear a suit of
Oh, I'd love to wear a rainbow everyday
And tell the world that
everything's ok
But I'll try to carry off a little darkness on my
Til things are brighter, I'm the man in black
I'm the man - the man in black
© Songs Of Cash. Reprinted with permission.