Ex-wife of Rolling Stone Mick Taylor, Rose Taylor tells how an old hymn touched her life.

I've always loved music - I can look back to the early days of my childhood, and the memories that stand out all have a song, or a melody, or sometimes even a symphony that accompanies them. I'm sure many of you would agree that music is something that has a really powerful influence on us - to enhance, entrance, and sometimes transform us. Not always for the better, I may add - but that's another story....
In 1974 my life had hit the all-time low. I had just got married to
the father of my three year-old daughter, in a last ditch attempt to
save our relationship. He had just left the Rolling Stones; but the
oppression and the evil legacy of a life overdosing on sex and drugs
and rock and roll was still very much with him - with us both. We were
both having terrible problems with drugs; the marijuana and the pills
and the booze had led us inexorably to cocaine and heroin, and try as
we might, there was no way off that treadmill that we could find.
Well, he left home with the lady drug dealer, and I took to my bed - I
just wanted to die. In desperation, I prayed to the Jesus that I
remembered from my childhood to help me. He did. He sent a lovely
Christian lady who had a ministry of healing and deliverance to my
bedside; where she prayed and laid hands on me, asking Jesus to fill
me with His love. I had to get up then - to rush to the loo to be very
sick indeed, but it was a tremendously cleansing thing to do, for I
experienced none of the terrible withdrawal symptoms that I had gone
through every other time I had tried to stop taking drugs. Jesus
Christ had literally and completely taken the addiction from me.
Praise His wonderful Name! The next morning I awoke, and I felt like a
new person. I dressed, and went downstairs and heard some music coming
from the living room. It sounded wonderful - gorgeous black soulful
singing, belting organ and guitar accompaniment, and Aretha Franklin
soaring over the top. I've always admired Aretha, but she sounded
different this time. I asked my friends what we were hearing and I was
told it was a recording of her singing "Amazing Grace" in her father's
church; and as I listened to the words, they were just for me -
"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I
once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see..." and I knew
that Jesus Christ had saved me - He'd proved his love and power to me.
He was
real! It was He who had "Brought me through the many toils
and snares", and thank God, I knew that "His grace would lead me
home". As I stood there, weeping mingled tears of grief, repentance
for all my unbelief, and also great joy, I knew it was God's grace - I
had done nothing to deserve such love - and Jesus had done it all for
us by His death on that terrible Cross. What amazing grace. Even now,
every time I hear this wonderful song, I am flooded by awe and
gratitude for the love of such a God as ours.
John Newton
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am
Was blind, but now I see
Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I
first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead
me home.
When we've been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when
we've first begun.