The latest part of the ongoing series chronicling, in no particular order, the greatest 1001 recordings made by Christian artists
Continued from page 10
album 'Straight Ahead', Light.
Jamie was one of the
pioneers of Jesus music but her light, acoustic music had always been
a bit saccharine-sweet for me. This album was the one really
successful attempt to contemporise her sound (well, for the year it
was recorded anyway) and in many ways was a pioneering album for the
way pop-gospel of the Amy Grant mould was developing (though Jamie's
'Straight Ahead' is a different song from this). I love the
songwriting craft, the sheer Tightness of the arrangement, the sense
of luminous love that Jamie brings to this.
HIGHWAY, 1942. From the various artists album 'The Golden Age Of
Country', Capitol.
Recorded in 1942 and still able to
produce goose pimples. Country and western had always loved lurid
narratives of death, but this story in song about discovering blood
and wrecked vehicles in a highway motor accident finds its focus in
the poignant refrain "but I didn't hear nobody pray." In all the
carnage and groans of despair nobody, the singer recounts, thought to
pray to God. In the hands of lesser country singers this country
evergreen becomes a wallow in maudlin sentimentality. In Mr Acuff's
assured hands it is one of the most moving listening experiences in
the long history of country music.
Tony Cummings
114. RUSS TAFF - MEDALS, 1985. From the album 'Medals',
Russ has rather discounted his early pop-gospel
albums in favour of his recent discovery of his Southern roots but for
me this is still a wheezingly, searingly soulful and impassioned
performance as it ebbs and flows in a surge of energy, power chords
and orchestrated drama while the lyric is one of the finest ever
produced out of Nashville's CCM hit factory.
115. LESLIE PHILLIPS - HOURGLASS, 1985. From the album 'Beyond
Saturday Night', Myrrh.
When Leslie played her first UK
gig at Finchley Baptist Church there were less than 50 people in the
audience. That night she sang her material from this fine album debut
and showed herself to be one of the finest voices in Christian music.
This track, despite its slightly routine arrangement, has passion and
faith and keeps me returning to it.
Tony Cummings
116. AMY GRANT - IN A LITTLE WHILE, 1982. From the album 'Age
To Age', Myrrh.
Great pop songs of faith are rare indeed
but Amy sang an absolute classic with this simple tale of faith in the
banality of modern life. That line about scattering junk mail on the
floor is still one of the most memorable in CCM while that
bitter/sweet voice has never sounded more poignant.
117. SHATTOCK AND RUST - ELECTION DAY, 1989. From the album
'The Rock Beneath', independent.
Great songs don't need
great recording budgets to show their quality. Godfrey Rust is
probably best known to Joe Punter as a poet whose book 'Breaking The
Chains' was recently in the Christian best sellers. But he's also a
consummate lyricist and OK singer in the pop-folk Simon And Garfunkel
mould. The song, a so-clever number which uses all the imagery and
paraphernalia of a political election to make an incisive spiritual
point is an absolute gem. Its astutely crafted lyric shows that all
those banal 'Jesus died for me at Calvary' songs circulating around
Christendom claiming to be 'biblical' are in fact merely lyrics by
people who haven't developed the skills of top quality lyric
Tony Cummings
118. LCGC - KNOCKIN' ON HEAVEN'S DOOR, 1993. From the album
'Hush And Listen', Permanent.
It's funny, until this
album I'd never realised the quality of Bazil Meade's voice, thinking
of the man primarily as a choir leader extraordinaire. But here Baz
delivers what for me is one of the most thrilling soulful lead vocals
I've heard. The song was always a classic; I loved it when Dylan sang
it in 'Pat Garrett And Billy The Kid' and when Mike Peters sang it to
a rapturous crowd in Greenbelt's Big Top. But it took that element of
soul, with Bazil's husky multi-tracked lead teasing the last bit of
poignancy out of the melody and the choir coming in with some soulful
humming to reduce my knees to jelly.
Tony Cummings
COMES AND GATHERS HIS JEWELS, 1946. From the various artists album
'The Golden Age Of Country', Capitol.
What do Prince and
Hank Williams have in common? They both wrote superlative gospel songs
(eg, Prince's "The Cross", Hank's "Are You Walking And A Talking With
The Lord" and this gem) while tragically failing to put their words
into action and live the Christian life. This wonderful version was
recorded in 1946 but still sparkles with the freshness of an
Appalachian mountain stream.
Tony Cummings

BEAUTIFUL WORDS, 1992. From the various artists album 'Coram Deo',
It was Charlie Peacock's superlative 'Coram
Deo' praise and worship concept album that convinced me that Christine
Dente of Out Of The Grey was more than another good American vocalist,
but a great one. Here she sings an exceptionally beautiful song on
forgiveness with the simplest of acoustic accompaniments.
Tony Cummings
As published in CR16, 1st August 1993
- SUICIDE, 1990. From the album 'Pain', Graceland.
Christendom's rad rockers largely missed this wonderful album
produced by Adam Again's main man Gene Eugene. A shame as this dark,
sombre rock album with a musical approach one part The Alarm, one part
The Cult and one part sheer originality, Veil Of Ashes were some band.
On this astonishing cut, lead vocalist Sean Doty pours out his soul
over a stark, eerie accompaniment. Apparently, Sean lost a friend to
suicide and the repeated line "I had a friend" is an unforgettable,
sad listening experience.
Tony Cummings
122. ADRIAN SNELL (with Phil Thomson and Caroline Bonnett) -
BEAUTIFUL, 1993. From the album 'Beautiful...Or What?!',
Well, it had to happen sooner or later, some
astute Cross Rhythms reader has sussed that the inclusion of new album
tracks in the SORAS listing means that all the 1001 greats aren't
written in stone but rather the listing Still, that
gives me a chance to say to the three Cross Rhythms readers left who
aren't utterly sick of me wittering on about "Beautiful", that this is
one of the most poignant and artfully crafted marriages of melody,
lyric and arrangement you're ever going to hear. Not a Jesus, JESUS,
JESUS! song, rather an exquisite, haunting expression, through the
images of a tossed and torn rag doll, of the pain and doubt within the
human soul when our very right to exist is questioned. And over this
haunting song the assurance that in the sight of God his people are of
infinite worth and beauty hovers unspoken, unsung but transparent.
Adrian, Phil, Caroline et al have created a timeless classic.
Tony Cummings
album 'Rage Of Angels', Regency.
Vocalist Dan Mariano
shrieks, with the rasping rawness of rockdom's Hall Of Fame, the twin
lead guitar attack of Greg Kurtzman and Frank DiCostanzo shreds every
ear lobe within half a mile and the whole think stays so heavy that
you may need a fork lift to get the album onto your record decks.
Careering like an out-of-control locomotive it thunders along its
track leaving the listener exhilarated and energised. Metal remains a
mystery to the uninitiated, a wanton cacophony of non-music, but for
those with the metabolism to take their rock neat with no tonic, this
is the stuff to bring tears to the eyes and fire to the spirit.
Tony Cummings
the album 'A Time For Peace', Colours.
Not the Abraham
who was once asked to sacrifice his son on the altar (read the book
for the gripping conclusion) but the Abraham who was a Jewish athlete
who ran for Britain in the same Olympics as another famous athlete,
Eric Liddle. Yep, you got it, 'Chariots Of Fire'. So can Vangelis'
haunting film theme be truly considered 'Christian music' even when
performed by three Californian believers (Jeffrey Lams piano, Frank
Martin synthesizer, Kenneth Nash percussion/producer)? So does
instrumental music have any place in a 'Christian music' listing? I
suppose one of the advantages of a project like SORAS is that in the
words of some bard 'if you makes the game you makes the rules', so
Cummings says this is a Christian music classic. It certainly is a
rendition that consistently brings a tranquillity to my spirit while
those descending minor chords on the concert grande quite eclipsing
Vangelis' original. Classic ambient music and the silly-billy who put
together the recent 'Candlelight Colours' compilation and left off
this long-deleted classic needs our prayers.
125. REYNARD - ABRAHAM AND ISAAC, 1976. From the album
'Pilgrim Music', Sharon,.
Now this song DOES feature the
Abraham who was once asked to sacrifice his son on the altar. And what
a gem it is too. A few years back a fanatical CCM record collector
from Finland (they do exist!) to whom I was selling large piles of old
Christian music albums offered me an arm and a leg for the Reynard
album 'Fresh From The Earth'. I had to confess that not only did I not
possess a copy I'd never heard of it. Years later I was travelling in
a car with Metal Meltdown organiser Dave Williams when I almost made
him crash the car in my astonishment that the music coming from Dave's
car cassette was (a) a long, long way from the mosh pit (Dave was
managing Seventh Angel at the time) and (b) was the said 'Fresh From
The Earth' album. And it was truly wonderful, real English folk music
with a touch of '70s pop rock update. It was my turn to offer an arm
and a leg, but wise ol' Williams was not letting go of his Reynard
rarity. Eventually, I found one track of said album on a Pilgrim
Records sampler and when I'm not dancing round the front room to its
delightful strains I'm writing open letters to anybody who knows where
Reynard are today. For in today's climate of the acoustic revolution,
these folk gospel pioneers should come creaking out of retirement to
perform their danceable, joyful fusion music for a new generation of
folk roots fans.
Tony Cummings
again thank you Tony for your efforts greatly appreciated, mind you l go back to the tour of the top twenty at GB 84