Tony Cummings quizzed the band from British Columbia, RESET TO BEAUTIFUL

Canada's pop rock band Reset To Beautiful recently got a step up when the Cross Rhythms radio stations began playing their single "All I Ever Wanted". The current lineup of the band is Myron Sinnen (lead vocals), Kevin Sayer (guitar), Michael Connor (keys), Gabriel Torrealba (bass) and Chris Ciantar (drums). Myron was asked about his response to the Cross Rhythms airplay. "It was a huge surprise and even bigger blessing when we heard the news! Anytime someone picks one of our songs and shares it on their airwaves it is humbling to say the least. We are pumped!"
Myron wrote the lyrics for "All I Ever Wanted" which were written back in 2011, though the song wasn't completed in the studio until the following year. Said Kevin, "In 2011 when we played it for a local music showcase the reviews were awesome. We believed it was good, but that put it over the top and we refined it. The real refining was then done in studio where our good friend and producer Steve Klassen helped us bring out the best of the song and cut the fat." Myron continued, "The song was coming from a place where I really wanted friends of mine to know that the same Jesus who loves me could love them as well. I truly believe that Jesus is always reaching out to us to love us and guide us but he also will not push himself on us. The song is written from his perspective. The chorus goes, 'All I ever wanted was you and I together/Our love would last forever/Put your hand in mine!' I have experienced his love and I want nothing more than for everyone in the world to experience it too."
Reset To Beautiful started in 2007 at a youth conference in Vancouver, Canada. It was there that Myron reconnected with drummer Tyson Kliem. Explained Myron, "At the time both of us were fortunate enough to be youth pastors of churches in the area. We had known each other since we were in our teens, having both worked at a Christian summer camp ministry. Anyhow our paths had taken us on different musical journeys but for some reason our desires for something new lined up at that moment in time. Soon after reconnecting, our guitarist Kevin Sayer and then bass player Tim Wong completed the band. We soon started writing music and playing shows wherever they happened to be." Continued Kevin, "We did our best to play anything that came our way, from youth events, to bars. Our intention was to be the same men of integrity and passion, in a child friendly show or in a bar setting."
The name Reset To Beautiful came to Myron while listening to a speaker at the youth conference back in 2007. The speaker was talking about a passage in the book of Acts chapter three. In that passage Peter and John were nearing a gate at the temple called the Beautiful gate. At the gate there was a lame beggar asking for money. The disciples told the beggar that they didn't have money but they could offer something so much better, meaning healing. The biblical account got Myron thinking that we were all meant for something more. Commented the singer, "Though we were all sinners, with things about us that make us 'lame', God has always intended us to be 'reset' back to his original [design] (beautiful). I couldn't shake this thought through the session. Pretty soon it was clear - I didn't know how, I didn't know when, but for some reason a band would start and it would be called Reset To Beautiful."

Since 2007 both Tyson and Tim each got married and Myron had his first of two children. Kevin already had two boys of his own. In 2010 Reset To Beautiful recorded the 'Reset' EP. Said Kevin, "To do that recording, it was tough because we all worked during the day. We basically would come home, soak up much needed family time, eat and then head off to do this recording at a location that was roughly an hour away. While the recording sessions were long, they were fun. The cost was felt in the morning when we did all over again."
In 2012 founding members Tyson and Tim left separately to pursue other callings in ministry. Since the departures of half the band, God has blessed us with a new drummer in Chris Ciantar (married, with three kids), a new bass player in Gabriel Torrealba (recently married) as well as an amazing keyboard player in Michael Connor (who was born in Britain and has a daughter). Reset To Beautiful continues to be a family affair."
Now the followup single to "All I Ever Wanted", "Embrace", has been released. Said Myron, "The whole idea behind it was hearing people I knew who, like me, at different times in their lives wondered aloud 'how can God, how can anyone, truly love me, if they knew all the stupid things I had done or thought'. The chorus for 'Embrace' says, 'You can erase, all these mistakes/Every one that we would make/Your arms they embrace, you bring us home safe/Your love it knows no ends/You'll bring us back again.' I need to remind myself about these words every day. It's a personal song. I really believe that God can and will take us back no matter what we have done or where we have been."
The final words in Reset
To Beautiful's interview came from drummer Chris Ciantar. "Just
over a year ago I joined Reset To Beautiful to take over from the
previous drummer Tyson. My wife and I discussed and prayed about the
decision, and decided that it would be a great adventure, and a way
for me to serve, and use my talents for God. I have really had to
trust and rely on God to provide the time and energy it takes to be in
a band, as well as raise a family and run a business. It has been a
great learning experience and God has taught me to be a better man,
husband, father and friend. I can't say it's always been easy, but I
have been given everything I need to survive and thrive. As a band we
want to use these lessons and experiences to write great music and to
do God's will."