Hard rock band RADIAL ANGEL were quizzed by Mike Rimmer.

Mike: Who is in the band?
Jared Taber (vocals, guitars), Tommy Perkins (drums), Jeremy Dolezel (lead guitar) and Eddie Jones (bass).
Mike: What's the vision?
(Jared) As a band, we just want to be as honest as possible. We want people to be encouraged by both our mistakes and the things that God has blessed us with. So we just try to be honest and say, "Hey, we're the same as you. We're struggling with our Christianity just like you," and just hope that people can relate to us and feel comfortable enough with us to want to talk to us and let us share our lives with them.
Mike: Then what?
(Jeremy) We definitely try to push them towards God and say, "Look, this is what God has brought us through." Jared has a very dramatic testimony and so we use our struggles to help people see that God takes us through struggles to a better place.
(Jared) A lot of the times, a lot of the Christian bands candy-coat a lot of subjects out there and we feel that we connect better. I don't write bluntly Christian songs, I write about what I've dealt with in my life and I feel that those kids can relate to that. I'd like for them to leave a show saying, "You know what? They've dealt with this and I'm dealing with it now. Obviously God can work things out."
Mike: You had been a pretty successful independent band in the USA? What's the major difference between being indie and being signed?
(Jared) I would say that we were a big independent band and now we're
a little signed band! There's a lot more people doing stuff for us.
Like, we get signed and all of a sudden we've got publicists and
A&R guy and agent and all this extra stuff that we never really
knew we needed!