Nicole Croteau: A song-by-song rundown of her 'Anchors And Silhouettes' album

Friday 17th February 2012

Californian singer/songwriter NICOLE CROTEAU talks us through the songs on her album debut

Nicole Croteau
Nicole Croteau

Undoubtedly one of the best album debuts for a long time is 'Anchors And Silhouettes' by LA-based singer/songwriter Nicole Croteau. Despite her youth Nicole has considerable musical experience, including helping her parents lead worship in Montana and singing with pop rockers Press Play. Now her solo debut is set for US release by Dream Records on 13th March. Nicole ran through each song on her fine roots and Americana-tinged album.

"Falling" - This song is simply a fun, bubbly love song that I originally started writing out of the overwhelming love I felt in my relationship with God. Every day with him is a new adventure. This is truly the one thing that will ever make me happy.

"Storyteller" - This song really captures my heart for this album. It truly expresses my heart towards people, to encourage them and show them hope and purpose for this life. But it also grasps the lighthearted joy that you can have while fulfilling your purpose.

"Butterflies" - When I started writing this song the Lord had really just started to show me what my relationship with him could look like. I was in the midst of processing through some things and realising that I will never be perfect, but I wasn't made to be, just meant to strive for that. His grace is enough to cover all my mistakes, after all, he made existence. The words of this song are an overflow of my heart. When you get excited about something, sometimes the best thing to do is sing about it. So that's what I did, and ever since I have been so excited to show people what that is.

Nicole Croteau:  A song-by-song rundown of her 'Anchors And Silhouettes' album

"Amazing" - "Amazing" is just a super fun song that I wrote in about 10 minutes, sitting in my living room at school in South Carolina. I originally wrote it not ever thinking it would be on the album, until I realised that it was definitely one I couldn't leave off. It seems to be one of my favourites, as it is just so me. All through my life God has had a funny way of teaching me patience, as it talks about waiting in the chorus, and I am so thankful for this, because it has also taught me to trust in him with timing. Whatever he has, I know it will be "amazing".

"Pushed Down" - We all have stories and most of us have had people or obstacles in our lives that have threatened our dreams and even broken our hearts. I personally have had to fight through some unhealthy relationships and insecurities, but have realised that with God truly showing me who I am in him, these things can't hold me down anymore. "Pushed Down" is an anthem, of freedom really, declaring that giving up isn't an option and I am ready to run this race.

"Sacred Romance" - My heart is taken, there is no relationship that could ever fulfil me like my relationship with Jesus Christ. I wrote this while I was at Discipleship school in South Carolina, and still every time I sing it, I feel the overwhelming sense of love I felt when I wrote it. A love that is new every day, and one that is worth fighting for.

"Hurricane" - Complete surrender, that's what I heard God tell me when I wrote this song. If I can completely give him everything, then he promised he would be with me through it all, and give me his strength to get through it. Sometimes as a human, I make this more complicated than it has to be and even now it's a choice every day, but his love truly does come like a hurricane if we will allow it.

Nicole Croteau:  A song-by-song rundown of her 'Anchors And Silhouettes' album

"Devon" - The morning of September 11th 2011, just before morning service at my church, I got a phone call from one of my really close friends from school, Devon, sharing with me that her mom had passed away just that weekend. I was heartbroken when I heard this news. Just a few months earlier I was with Devon and her mom at their house in Atlanta, Georgia. Her mom had been so selfless and encouraging to me, she truly represented a woman after God's heart. She kept telling me she just knew God was going to use me and my music. She asked me to sign an autograph for her, and I laughed, but did it anyway. Now looking back, her encouragement was so needed in my life. I felt in my heart I needed to write a song for Devon and her mom. So that night I went home and this is what came out. I pray that God will use this to relate to anyone who has lost somebody. We can trust that God is watching over us and we always have someday together in Heaven we can look forward to.

"Rescue" - Sitting on my back porch in sunny Southern California I started writing this song, I guess you could say that once again God was bringing me back to the promises in his Word. He knit me together in my mother's womb and knows every single hair on my head. So he knows what I am going through even before I go through it. He offers his hands to hold on to and he tells us he will lead if only we will follow. We only need to be rescued when we step away from his will for us. But with mercy in his eyes and heart he loves rescuing us and knows we need to be rescued, before we do.

"Think About It" - I think when I wrote this song I was looking around me realising how much our nation needs a wake up call. Even the Christian world gets so caught up in the "world". God has given me such a burden for our nation and the people here. I simply was speaking from my heart, asking the people of our world to wake up and look around them. It only takes one person to make a change.

"The Getaway" - I wrote "The Getaway" in about 20 minutes, the night before going into the studio to record the last drums for the album. It's about staying on guard and guarding your heart before it's too late. Hold strong to your standards and convictions. And it is definitely one of the best songs on the album to jam to!

"Thirsty Roots" - "Thirsty Roots" is the bonus track on the album. I wrote it about three years ago while still living in Montana. It really brought me back to my country roots. It's about waiting for the right one, and not settling out of impatience. This is an issue that is really important to me and I think this song embodies the benefits of waiting, even though it's not easy all the time. CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

Reader Comments

Posted by darlene bainbridge in pottsville, pa. @ 01:53 on Sep 29 2012

nicole, you and your band family have surely blessed our lives here in pottsville. It was truely a joy hearing your music. it was truly wonderful that your band took the time to stop and play for us with your busy tour schedule. God has surely blessed you with a wonderful gift to do his work and touch so many lives. with many blessing to all of you in your future carreer and gods work.flow

Posted by Kristine Kittredge in Simi Valley Ca @ 03:18 on Feb 24 2012

I have known Tony and Lisa before you all were born. What a wonderful family you have become. Both your parents have been talented and spiritual in my eyes. I can see they have given their talents to you and your family! God Bless you and your family.


Posted by tiffany ekern in kalispell, montana @ 16:42 on Feb 17 2012

Your songs sound absolute amazing Nicole!! God has blessed you richly! Keep up the wonderful work!

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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