London-based NICK HERBERT spoke about his worship ministry to Craig Wakeling.
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Nick: One of the main features of this album is that every song on the album apart from one is co-written. This has always been something I've enjoyed but it has now become a real feature of what I do. I think writing with other people really stretches you musically and lyrically and helps you see a slightly larger picture of worship. Our previous album 'Blameless' was a live recording, so being in the studio gives me a chance to try things out and be a bit more creative.
Craig: You have been involved in church planting in many countries. How has this helped and influenced you in your writing?
Nick: There seems to be a real buzz around the church at the moment because of the church planting thing. I think for a songwriter there is nothing more inspiring than being part of a local church that is seeking to follow God because that is where true life and creativity are found. It's very exciting for us to be training up, sending out worship leaders and encouraging each other from the four corners of the globe!
Craig: Who have been your main influences?
Nick: I'm hugely inspired by other worship leaders, Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, Brenton Brown to name a few. Christian authors are also really helpful when I'm songwriting - for instance AW Tozer, Oswald Chambers - as well as old hymn books. In terms of secular music, I like a lot of stuff. What I'm really looking for is music that's authentic.
Craig: What are you near and distant plans?
Nick: As someone once said, 'To keep on keeping on'! To keep on
leading worship and writing songs for the church but also training
other worship leaders that we can send out to church plants so we can
hear God stories from all around the world!