An A-Z guide to all the UK's Christian festivals and conventions, large and small.

Rock bands thundering out the riffs in leaking tents or packed congregations lifting up hands and hearts to God in worship; seminars on the social relevance of the Gospel or intimate times of Holy Spirit ministry; hamburgers of questionable origin or the Lord¹s Supper in a throng of communicants festivals and Bible weeks come in a wide variety of styles and emphasis. To accompany our festivals listing in 2003¹s Cross Rhythms Christian Music Directory we¹ve asked the organisers of the events, large and small, to give us the lowdown on these modern day places of pilgrimage. We would urge you to visit some of these events; beyond the entertainment, the skate parks and the doubtful toilet arrangements, they represent an amazing opportunity for Christians young and old to catch a blessing.
Date/s: July 2003
Title/Theme: Christian Music Festival
Glasgow various
Cost: From £10
Target: All
Confirmed speakers/artists: Superhero, Indigoecho
Vision: ³Glasgow has many world famous music festivals, Gig
On The Green, etc. We are putting on a festival of music to rival
these great festivals, the difference being that the music is by
Christian artists and the focus is our faith in God. There will be a
mix of music from heavy rock to contemporary praise and worship from
established names and up and coming new faces.²
Date/s: December 2003
Title/Theme: Rock orientated Christmas festival. Extreme
Location: Glasgow
Cost: from £7
Target: Sk8ers, punks, moshing crowd, surfing freaks, anyone
who likes their music hard and fast!
Artists: TBC
Vision: ³FUN FUN FUN! Bring your skates, bring your mates.
Lets SLAM some kids into the Kingdom!²
Date/s: 3-7 December
Location: The Garage, London
Cost: £30; £8 day
Target: 16
Confirmed speakers/artists:
Vision: ³The Fourth London CRN takes place over five
days in North London's Garage venue. The Sunday is an all dayer
featuring the best Christian rock acts and DJs in the UK. In addition
Asylum and Skankweb will be running an event. The festival also
features mainstream bands and nights and raises money for the local
YMCA and Y-Care International.²

Date/s: 1-3 August 2003
Woolacombe Bay, North Devon
Cost: Free
Youth outreach
Confirmed speakers/artists: MiC, Julissa
Neely, Smithfield
Vision: ³Creation Fest is a free
outreach music festival aimed at reaching the youth. The event will
begin at 4pm on Friday August 1st and come to a close after a Sunday
morning worship service on 3rd August.²
Dates: 13-15 June 2003
Title: The biggest
Christian Youth Festival in Scotland
Cultybraggan Training Camp, Comrie in Perthshire
From £40; Day ticket £10/£15
Target: 12
Confirmed artists/speakers: TBC
³Crossover, now in it¹s fifth year, allows young people to see that
fun and faith can sit side by side in a safe environment. Through the
provision of a varied programme they are given a chance to explore
their faith without pressure while at the same time having the
opportunity to hear some great music and participate in a number of
fun activities. Everyone coming to Crossover has a freedom to choose
what they want to attend with an opportunity just to chill out if that
is what is required.²
Date/s: 18-20 July 2003
Title/Theme: Gideon¹s Heart
Location: Risdon
Farm, Okehampton, Devon
Cost: From £24; Day ticket from
Target: All ages
speakers/artists: Pete Greig and the Revelation Warehouse ministry
team, Danny Brierley, Tony Fitzgerald, thebandwithnoname, DJ Andy
Hunter, Cathy Burton, Sabio, Steve, DJ Soulcure, V12, Psalmistry,
Superhero, Escapade
Vision: ³We¹re calling this year¹s
festival Gideon¹s Heart and in many ways it¹s a response to what I
believe God is doing in the Church in this nation. You¹ll remember
the story in Judges 7, Gideon has an army of 32,000 about to do battle
against the Midianites. But God trims the army down to 10,000! Now, I
don¹t think we¹re down to the 300 yet. But I do believe we are
beginning to identify the 10,000 Christians who aren¹t trembling
with fear at the thought of the spiritual battle ahead. God¹s not
into numbers, he¹s into faithfulness, and I firmly believe we¹re
being led into a season where God will achieve his purpose in this
nation not by a huge mass of church goers singing the latest choruses
and telling everyone how cool Jesus is but by a radical, hand-picked
band of fighting men and women. That preparation for battle is now
underway and I believe 2003¹s Cross Rhythms Festival is an event
which will prepare some for that battle. These artists and speakers
may have different styles and come from different generations, but
they all carry the same heart a Gideon¹s Heart for the times in
which we are living. The festival this year is going to be a cracking
music and ministry event with an emphasis on truly encouraging those
with a passionate desire to live a strong faith in our nation today.²
Date/s: 26 July-2 August 2003
Title/Theme: Pushing the boundaries of innovative mission
Location: Newquay and Camborne, Cornwall
£60 love gift
Target: 14
speakers/artists: Andy Frost, Andy Sampson, Jem Bunce, Paul
Wilcox, Maggie Simpson, Mike Robins, Phil Williams, Jo Wells, Mark
Williamson, Narrow Path, Obsessive Behaviour, DJ Indian Rubberman,
Ejectorseat (tbc)
Vision: ³Dawn Patrol is a prophetic
mission to Cornwall that reaches out to the extremes of contemporary
culture, reaching the sun-bleached surfer and the streetwise skater
alike. The calling is simple - listen and then reach out.²

Date/s: 13 December 2003
The Best Of Christian Music
Location: Colston Hall,
Cost: From £8
Target: 12
Confirmed speakers/artists: Sabio, Mercy
³Day One is an annual event bringing the best of Christian music to
the Bristol area. As well as the large Day One event we also hold
three other themed events throughout the year called Gig Two. The
overall idea of Day One, which is now in its fourth year, is to be an
event which will encourage Christians but be cringe-free, enabling
non-Christians to come along, be entertained and more importantly,
hear the Gospel.²
Date/s: August 2003 (exact dates
Title/Theme: A Weekend Of Metal, Punk, Hardcore,
Location: London (Underworld, Camden, plus another
Cost: TBC, Weekend and Day tickets available
Target: 16
Confirmed speakers/artists: TBC
Vision: ³A weekend of teaching, music and fellowship
designed to break down barriers between God and man and Christians and
non-Christians, and to destroy existing stereotypes and anything that
keeps us from knowing Jesus more closely.²
Date/s: 16-21 August 2003
Light Of The World
Location: Kent Showground, Detling
Cost: From £80; Day ticket £18
Target: All
Confirmed speakers/artists: Dr RT Kendall, Tony
Vision: ³Our vision is to call the Church to be
the bride, who in unison with the Spirit cries, 'Come Lord Jesus in
your revival power, in your eternal reign'; to preach and teach the
Word of God from the Scriptures in the power of the Holy Spirit in the
context of Spirit filled worship; to be led by the Spirit in worship
so that God is released to reveal his glory, to revel among his people
and to reign in our world; to join the Word and the Spirit in our
lives individually and corporately so as to release great and lasting
revival; to equip the saints with Bible teaching and personal
acquaintance with the Holy Spirit, to carry the revival message to
their own churches and to non-Christians; to release the groups that
attend into a corporate experience of the moving of the Holy Spirit,
so that their churches can be impacted; to network, making personal
contact with others throughout the world who share these values; and
to provide for the Lord a means of unleashing revival power to the
nation, the continent of Europe and to the wider world.²
Date/s: 22-27 April 2003
Title/Theme: Essence¦ A Journey Towards Christian
Location: Llandudno, Scarborough, Torquay
Cost: From £58
Target: All ages
Confirmed speakers/artists: Rob Frost, David Wilkinson, Dr RT
Kendall, Paul Smith, Adrian and Bridget Plass, Mark Greene, Clive
Calver, Dawn Reynolds, Noel Richards, Sue Rinaldi, Steve Chalke
Vision: ³Easter People is a Christian holiday event for all
ages. We shall be exploring the theme of Christian spirituality as a
journey towards a more effective prayer life, a Jesus-centred
spirituality and an holistic Christian lifestyle through Bible study,
seminars, interaction, worship celebrations and entertainment. An
opportunity to allow God to speak and plenty of time for fun,
relaxation and chill!²

Date/s: 7-9 November 2003
New Life Christian Centre, Kingston upon Hull
Target: Christians
speakers/artists: Dr Tayo Adeyemi, Jarrod Cooper, Days Of Wonder
Vision: "Encounter is the annual conference of the
New Life Christian Centre in Hull, an inspiring time of meeting God
for all believers. Previous years have seen powerful ministry from the
likes of prayer minstrel Godfrey Birtill, worship leaders David Hadden
and Jarrod Cooper. Speakers have included Sharon Stone, David
Shearman, Gerald Coates, guests from abroad and the late Bob Gordon.
This year the conference aims to be bigger and better as the venue has
almost doubled its seating capacity."
Date/s: 25-31 August 2003
Title/Theme: The World Is Watching
Cost: £75
Target: 14-25ish!
Confirmed speakers/artists: Luis Palau, The Tribe
Vision: ³A week long Christian event combining the best of
two wonderfully fresh and highly effective approaches to mission from
opposite ends of the world. The Message Model mobilising huge
numbers of passionate young Christians to put their faith into action
practically, in deprived inner city communities, transforming the look
and the feel of the area. Inviting the residents contacted to
participate in friendly, fun evening events where they have
opportunity to consider the place of God in their lives. The LPEA
Model presenting vast crowds of people with the message of Jesus in
the context of a high quality free family weekend festival which
includes contemporary Christian music, extreme sports area, food
courts, kids area and much more.²
I agree. It is very interesting reading the historical accounts of events. Wouldn't it be great and exciting to have those to look forward to now! :)