Preston, Saturday 23rd September 2000 event review by Jonathan Bellamy.
The stunning spectacle of 600+ young people crammed into the Charter
Theatre for the specific purpose of giving praise to God is in itself
attention grabbing. But when one learns that there wasn't a Delirious?
or a Matt Redman to "pull in the crowds" and that the 58 singers,
musicians and dancers participating in this groundbreaking event were
"unknowns", it becomes obvious that Encounter is a very special kind
of event. The vision for Encounter is, in a nutshell, a youth event
owned by young people themselves. And that's exactly how it turned
out. 58 singers, musicians and dancers representing 18 churches from
the Preston area came together for an unforgettable evening of
electrifying praise and worship. From the introduction, with fragments
from speakers like Tony Fitzgerald, leading into a stirring version of
"Amazing Grace" with one of the emerging young worship leaders and
then fine versions of Hillsongs' "Everyday" and many other current
youth targeted worship songs; an electrifying worshipful atmosphere
was sustained. A couple of young people stepped onto the platform and
preached; there was a choir made up of young people from focal
churches and a team of energetic and enthusiastic dancers who did a
routine to the World Wide Message Tribe number "Revolution".
Throughout, there was a feeling of complete abandonment to God. The
whole event was a testament to what God is doing amongst young people.
But above all, there was a monumental sense of the presence of God
throughout the activities. Afterwards, Graham Hooke, pastor at
Preston's Calvary Christian Fellowship, spoke glowingly about what j
Encounter was achieving, "This! event was driven by young people, for
young people. They owned it. It showed that there is an army of young
people in Preston who want to make a difference for God. It was an
inspiration to see young Christians from many churches worshipping
Jesus with passion and wholehearted commitment. If their energy and
drive can be sustained it promises well for the future." All the signs
are that it can, 24th March 2001 is the date of the next one. ft
should be another unforgettable experience.