DELIRIOUS? face questions dreamed up by their devoted fans.
Continued from page 1
Which one of the band can't swim? (Marc Lungley,
Aston Uni, Birmingham)
The band dissolve into laughter as they
contemplate the question.
Tim: "We can all swim!"
Stu G:
"But we wanna go deeper."
(There is more laughter)
When you go into a church and they do one of your songs during
worship, what do you do? (Linda Seward, Southampton)
Stu G: "Try and not think about that it's your song. That's what I
do. Sometimes when me and Martin are there together, with every song
of yours that they do, you have a goal scored. So, come the end of the
morning it's like 2:1 to Martin. Normally."
Why don't you thank God in the inlay notes? (Andy
Mackay, Exeter)
Stew: "God is everywhere, he doesn't need to be
on the inlay of our CDs."
Martin: "Because it's in our lyrics
Jon: "God's not insecure about not being on the inlay
because he's in there anyway!"
Stu G: "Not like a lot of other
people we could mention!"
Jon: "Sorry Kenny! We forgot him in
America but he got a reprint though!"
Jon: "Kenny Mitchell is a
DJ and he did some stuff on 'Jesus' Blood'."
Martin: "Is he on
the reprint?"
Jon/Stew: "Yes."
Jon: "We sent him the wrong
reprint that hadn't been reprinted."
Jon: "In true style! We sent
him the original without his name on, 50 of them."
Stew: "He's
happy because he's sold them!"

Will you ever come to New York? (Jonathan Lonczak,
Tim: "We've been there twice this year already! Once at
the Hammerstein Ballroom and the person who asked this question
probably wasn't at the second gig. It was the day that Hurricaine
Floyd hit New York and everybody went home at 3pm, and we played at
one in the morning to about 50 people in a little bar, JB's."
Why didn't you use the name Jesus anywhere in your last album,
even in the inlay card? (John, Warwick Uni CU)
"There's no reason, apart from the fact that we just haven't happened
to write any songs about Jesus. There was no agenda, no thought behind
it, it just didn't happen. Watch this space for the next project."
Favourite all time gig? (John Bury)
Jon: "The
Roxy, LA. It was a packed little sweaty club. It was a showcase for
Virgin and it was packed out. We'd never played LA before and the club
had lots of history. Good gig."
Stew: "I really enjoyed
Glastonbury this year and thought that was a highlight. Just as a boy
you want to be there and play, and to get up there on stage is
amazing, and just to be in that whole scene for a couple of days was
great fun."
Martin: "Brixton Academy in London last year. It was
really great!"
Stu G: "I guess The Roxy for me actually."
Tim shrugs his shoulders not able to think of an answer.
Is there any chance of a live gig appearing on Cross Rhythms
or the God Channel? (John Bury)
Martin: (hastily)
The rest of the band laugh!
Stew: "I suppose there's
always the possibility! We haven't been asked!"
I point out that
they have been asked since Cross Rhythms requested to broadcast a set
from Soul Survivor.
Stew: "I think technically it's quite
difficult, it's not just turn up and plug in and off you go and let's
broadcast it. What we've tried to do is keep everything the best
possible quality, and that takes time and a lot of money. When we did
View From The Terraces, that cost thousands just to video and mix and
edit it all together. It's a lot of work!"
What do you see as the band's calling or position or place in
the body of Christ or the Kingdom of God? (Carey Reif,
Martin: "I think we've got a small part to play in
encouraging people, and encouraging people to respond to their own
call before God."
What is the correct spelling of your band's name?
(Olin Jenkins, Columbia)
Tim: (adopts school spelling test
persona) "D, E, L, I (he pauses) R (he pauses again before rushing) I,
0, U, S."
The band identify that this must be a question from
America where all the fans think the band's name has a five at the end
- deliriou5?
Stew: "We've dropped that now and if they'd bought
the latest album they'd find out!"
What is the story behind "It's OK"? (Parker)
Martin: "'It's OK' is a song that's a little vague because a lot of
it is imagination and some of it is reality. We did meet a girl in
Texas who had just come out of hospital and had tried to commit
suicide. We met her in a little cafe and invited her to the show, and
that was an inspiration even though half the song had been written
before then. It was just seeing someone in despair and trying to offer
a hand of hope and a crumb of comfort and to say if you keep going,
it's going to work out. We also felt that we couldn't write an album
just about heaven and not mention hell, and we wanted it to be a song
that could communicate to anybody inside and outside the Church, and
also it mentions about having communion with Jesus. A lot of people
have interpreted that as encouraging people to drink wine but actually
it's about finding salvation."
Which mainstream artist would you most like to work with or
appear on a record with? (Parker)
Jon: "I'd like to
work with DJ Shadow because he's got some great ideas and great beats,
and I just like his slant on things."
Stew: "I'd like to work
with Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters. He used to be in Nirvana. He's
a real inspiration and as a drummer, he's incredible."
Stu G: "I
think I'd like to do something with James from The Manics."
"If Elvis was alive I'd like to do something with him because we'd
sell a lot more records then."
Jon: "What do you mean if?"
Tim: "Sorry Jon."
Martin: "He's in Rio de Janiero in a Kebab
shop! I think I'd like to do a duet with Bono one day, that would be
Are there any of your songs you think someone else could
cover well? (Andrew Marriott)
Stew: "I'd like to hear
Skin from Skunk Anansie sing on a track, that would be great!"
Martin: "I think the Manics could do a great cover of 'See The
Why does your LIVE sound differ so much from that on the
album? (David Thomas, South Ruislip)
Tim: "Does it?
It's because you've got to get a bigger hi-fi that goes that loud."
Stew: "It needs to go up to 11."
Stu G: "There's a lot more
energy live and also it's not as perfect as on the record, but that
for me is a really positive thing."
Martin: "The main thing is
that the singing is out of tune live!"
How's the Delirious?/Switchfoot tour going? Any practical
jokes? (Jessica Harrell, Nashville, USA)
Stu G: "We
haven't had any practical jokes but we are getting on very well and we
still have a few dates to go with them. What a great bunch of guys.
People think you're able to hang out all the time but the fact is we
travel separately, but we try to hang out with them as much as we
Stew: "They did take us surfing one day which was quite
interesting. I got on really badly, it was actually really hard work
and they're so fit. Chad who plays drums took us out and he hired
these boards and we had to get 400 yards out to get these waves. He
got out in five minutes and it took me 45 minutes, and that was with
him coming back and helping to tow me! It was the hardest thing I've
ever done. I was out there for an hour and a half and I managed to get
two waves. I got on my knees and fell off and that was what I managed
to do!"
CCM bands never come to France... So I'd like to know if we'll
have a chance to see Delirious? in concert in France someday?
(Virginie, France)
Jon: (in bad accent) "Oui oui!"
Stu G:
"There's always a chance, yeah!"
Tim: "I think we've had one or
two invitations and we probably need a lot more than that to find a
time to make it work. We can't always fit everything in."
Martin: "I went on holiday in France this year and took my guitar so
I have played in France."