DELIRIOUS? face questions dreamed up by their devoted fans.

It's a horrible wet November day as I head to the offices of Furious? Records armed with a pile of questions from Delirious? fans. The offices are small, busy and peopled by those dedicated staff members who keep the Delirious? machinery moving. There are explanations that any week now, the whole outfit will be moving to more spacious accommodation. This will no doubt be of relief to the band's manager Tony Patoto who has been barred from his own office while the band occupy the room to meet the media. They should be on tour but a virus has taken Martin's singing voice so instead they are talking, not playing.
As we gather, Jon places a CD on the stereo, soon a remix of "Deeper" comes pounding out of the speakers. The band look at each other quizzically. No one can place who or where this remix might have come from. They like it though and for a split second engage in a dance. Then it's time for questions!
For the previous fortnight I have been hurriedly meeting Delirious? fans on the internet and gathering questions for the band. The lads enjoy trying to identify which questions are British and which come from America. Here are the best! We sit down on Japanese-style low settees and the questions begin...
Have you had any particularly memorable Thursdays as a
band? (Scooby, Maidenhead)
Martin: "I can remember one
very specific Thursday which was when we released the 'Deeper' single
and getting to Thursday, we heard the mid-week position and I remember
thinking, 'We are going to make that top 20,' and it was a great
Stu G: "Thursdays are normally good for me personally
because it's an even sounding day whereas Fridays are an odd sounding
Did YOU feel the mountains tremble? (James Ots)
(The band break into laughter, there's a pause as all wait for
Martin to answer!)
Stu G: "In your spirit, brother."
"Isn't that a question we're asking everyone else?"
(I point out
that James has asked it back!)
Stu G: "We asked it first!"
Martin: "When we played Wembley stadium, it was what I could imagine
in my head of feeling something move. Some great force of people
singing together. That was almost like standing beside a mountain and
feeling the tremor."
Were you really that happy? (Dennis Arsenault,
Martin: "I'm happier than I've ever been in my life
Stu G: (deadpan) "Ecstatic."
Martin: "We're happier
when we don't play it!"
When you were at Glastonbury did you meet any other bands? If
so what did they make of you? (Al Rollo, Coulsdon)
Stew: "I held the door open in the toilet for one of The Corrs. I
actually let her go in first because I thought that was a Christian
thing to do! We met Lenny Kravitz, Skin from Skunk Anansie, Al Green
came over and gave my little baby a kiss."
Stu G: "A couple of
them like Skunk Anansie and James from the Manics we'd met before in
America because they're Virgin artists. They just know us as a band.
With other people that you meet with at events like that, you don't
really have any opinions of what they might think of you because
you're just meeting them like a hundred other people might that day."
Will we be seeing the return of the sixth D: member (Elvis) at
any point in the future? (Al Rollo, Coulsdon)
"Elvis is alive and well but he has left the building for the moment."
Tim: "He's punctured."
Martin: "Apparently, he's running a
kebab shop in Rio de Janeiro."
Do you not feel the band strained sometimes what with it being
impossible not to take your work home 'cos you're all (more or less)
one family unit? (Al Rollo, Coulsdon)
Stew: "Is that
one of our wives asking that? We're all different; some of us talk
about work more at home than others. I think it can be difficult,
although we're so involved with it that it's our lives, so we do take
it home with us. The family are all living it as well, although
they're not out there gigging on stage, they are part of the decision
making because decisions are discussed at home, but it is difficult
Stu G: "When we're in the studio or writing, that
process doesn't stop when I get home so it's more difficult then."
Why is the mellowest part of "I Could Sing Of Your Love
Forever" also the part where you say, " we're dancing
now"? (Ian Barker, Ohio, USA)
Martin: (tartly) "I'm
dancing in my heart." (He grins!)
Stu G: "What's really funny is
when you're playing and see people trying to dance at that point.
They're all building up to something and then it's aaaaah!"
Can any of the band preach? (Marc Lungley, Aston
Uni, Birmingham)
Tim: "We all probably have but none of us
probably can!"
Martin: "Well, I've got a message to bring. I
can't preach but I can sing." (He laughs) "And me and my brothers here
are going to sing redemption songs."
What new songs are you working on? (Jonathan
Lonczak: NY, USA)
Stu G: "We've got half a dozen things brewing
and we're looking forward to getting stuck into them next year!"
When's the next album? (Abby, Warwick Uni CU)
Martin: "We're starting recording in January and we'll just see
where we go."
Will the next album be full of statements explaining that
you're not selling out? (John Bury)
Jon: "Probably,
we're not backing down."
Martin: "You mean statements about not
selling out like, I'll get to heaven, I'm not backing down, Beautiful
Son, and stuff like that, yeah?"
Jon: "Just the wishy washy
Martin: "Stuff that was on the last album."