Cross Rhythms reviewer GEORGE LUKE remembers his first Christian music purchases and names his favourites

The first Christian album I bought was Leon Patillo's 'The Sky's The
Limit'. Typical '80s synth-pop; sounded cool then, but awfully cheesy
now. Next was the Winans' 'Let My People Go', with the definitive
Christian anti-apartheid anthem. Third was Streetsounds' 'Inspiration
Dance' compilation. In the '80s, the Streetsounds label kind of
cornered the market in urban music compilations. It's hard to whittle
my favourite albums down to just three, but the three I choose are:
'Love X Love' by Freddie Kofi (soulful and thoughtful.and he's a nice
bloke!); my first Christian salsa album, 'Para Dios, No Hay Imposible'
(For God, Nothing Is Impossible) by Alvaro Moreno, and, for my all
time favourite, Ruth Naomi Floyd's 'Paradigms For Desolate Times' -
old-school jazz with Bible-based lyrics, plus a very lovely voice.