The coronavirus pandemic causes cancellation of the West Sussex event in May BIG CHURCH DAY OUT

The largest Christian music event in Europe, Big Church Day Out, has announced that due to the coronavirus crisis they have cancelled for this year. BCDO 2020 was to be held from 23rd to 24th May at Wiston House, West Sussex, and to feature Casting Crowns, Hillsong United, Matt Redman, Martin Smith, Crowder and many others. Read a statement by Tim Jupp, Founder of Big Church Day Out, "This has never been the outcome that any of us would have wanted. We are completely gutted. We had the most amazing dreams and plans for this May and such a vision of bringing the church together again."
Jupp went on to announce that BCDO 2021 will be held from 29th to 30th May 2021 though admitted that this year's cancellation has thrown the ongoing future of the event into some doubt. He said, "This leaves us in the most precarious financial position with the cancellation costing BCDO more than £500,000. We spend all year paying our full time staff team, marketing the event, incurring operational costs for the charity, and many other expenses that are now unrecoverable, and our insurance policies do not cover these extraordinary circumstances.
"With this in mind, and to help secure the future of BCDO, it's incredibly important that all ticket holders take no action, which will result in your ticket being transferred to the 2021 event. Just the smallest number of requests for refunds would cause BCDO to become bankrupt, and the ministry would close.
"This now presents to all of us the opportunity to demonstrate BCDO's greatest moment of unity, and stand together at this time to create incredible possibilities for thousands of lives for many more years to come.
"I know that almost everyone will be affected by the impact of coronavirus, and we are praying for you in these difficult times. Please pray for our team and all involved, as we navigate our way through this and work towards an amazing future for us all at the Big Church Day Out."
Ticket holders are being asked to not request a refund but to do nothing, thereby transferring to the 2021 event. Alternatively, donations toward the unexpected cancellation costs would be gratefully received.
Said Tony Cummings, Music Editor of Cross Rhythms, "I think it very
important that all those passionately interested in Christian music
ministry should make a donation to BCDO's costs if they possibly can."