The BELIEVER album 'Extraction From Mortality' extracted a response from the Cross Rhythms reviewer "has to be the best Christian thrash LP so far". Doug Van Pelt spoke to the band's leader Kurt Bachman.
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We feel that we have the greatest message in the world. We have to play intense music and know what these kids are into. We really look at bands and ask, 'Why is Metallica so big?' A couple reasons why are: their lyrics are really deep and thought out; their music has a lot of different time changes and parts to it; and the guitar melodies and stuff. You basically need to do your homework. That way, your project will probably sound 10 times better, and your message will probably sound 10 times better to people listening to it.
We practice twice a week right now, because we're getting ready for shows. When an album's coming up, we'll practice for a couple of months on a two to three times a week basis. We don't like to practice as a band a lot before an album, simply because, when you do an album, you're not playing as a full band. You'll do drum sections, and then you'll go in and play your guitar sections...So, I mean, a lot of it depends on individual work also. Getting the tune down in your head, knowing all the parts in your head. We feel that we should be able to sit down by ourselves, tap our foot, and play the whole song. Then, when you get together as a band, and you have everybody doing that at home, you get real tight. It really works well, It's the 'Believer Secret.' For $19.95 send in your...(laughs) That's basically how things work for us."
Doug: How do the people at Road Racer feel about your faith?
Kurt: "They think it's cool and stuff. They have pretty much of a reputation of being the evil record label, you know, I mean, they have King Diamond and a lot of Satanic bands on the label. They feel like we're kind of a breath of fresh air. We don't have to compromise on any of our lyrics, or anything like that. In fact, they're going to market us as a regular thrash band, which is real cool. We really want to be known in that way. We're a thrash band; the only thing different is that we sing about God. We're Christians. We kind of give a choice to these people who have never even been in church, and stuff like that. We really don't feel called to do that. We don't feel that that's our end of the ministry. We'll play select Christina shows, because, you know, the Christians support us...and there's a lot of Christians that won't go to secular clubs to see us. We're talking to a big booking agency called ICM, and they agree with us. They're gonna get us both secular shows and Christian shows. We feel called to play in clubs, where there's kids that don't even know why Easter exists. We just wanna answer questions that they might have, and present to them a choice. We're also gonna play for Christians, because they get uplifted from our music. That's awesome, too. That's basically where Road Racer stands."
Any parting comments for the readers "Yeah, everybody out there, all
the Christians and, you know people who are struggling and stuff, just
have faith in the Lord. He's gonna pull you through even the toughest
situations. We're really witnesses to that. Stay with God. He's the
greatest. He died for everyone out there. Just let your friends know
about Him. We'll see ya'll on tour."