Jeff Short chats to Dr Sarah Rose about her webinars helping families across the UK adapt to home-schooling, by offering practical evidenced based tips on creating a happy home.

Jeff: I imagine it's quite a real and relevant subject you're
addressing at this time with many parents working at home and trying
to balance that with looking after the needs of the children. What
have you perceived to be those difficulties?
Sarah: Absolutely. I think the current situation is affecting
families in quite different ways. Like you say, some families are at
home juggling work and looking after the children and trying to do the
activities the schools are sending through and support children in
that way. And of course some families are not in that situation. Some
families are trying to balance being key-workers and looking after the
needs of their children, using the school and childcare facilities
that are still open. In my talk I'm trying to help both sets of
families and everybody in between. As well as being a Senior Lecturer
in Psychology and Child Development I'm also a parent to two small
children. They are very real challenges that we face at the moment.
Jeff: You talk about reducing parent and child
anxiety, conflict while supporting and trying to work from home. What
tips are you going to be offering?
Sarah: I'm
offering 6 evidence-based tips, tips that are based on psychology
research and theory. The first of those is about showing connection to
each other, to our children. Showing affection, spending time with
each other can do a lot to reduce stress and anxiety. So trying to
prioritise that quality time. Of course that's difficult because we're
all so under other pressures such as working at home. It's about
trying to be that balanced parent, the parent who is in charge, who
has rules and boundaries to set but also that parent who prioritises
the children at certain times and gives them that quality time, that
affection. Hugging, touching children can reduce their anxiety levels
and reduce our anxiety levels as parents; taking exercise together,
playing games together. All those things can reduce our anxiety and
also our children's anxiety. Emotions are very real at this time.
People will feel angry. Parents will feel angry, resentful maybe of
their children trying to balance different demands. Children may feel
angry. People with two children may find they are fighting more than
usual. Recognising that anger isn't naughtiness; it isn't a failing in
us as a parent, it isn't a failing in our children, it's really just a
symptom of stress and anxiety. So trying to look at positive ways to
reduce that conflict and manage that anger and stop it before it
Jeff: I'd never really thought of that.
An overused phrase is quality time but if you're working at home those
words are good that you show affection because Mummy or Daddy is in
front to that computer screen and that's taking up more of their
lives; they're ignoring me for that. I'd not put myself in the
position of a child there but I guess that is difficult for them to
Sarah: I'm sure many parents are
using the phrases 'in a minute', 'soon', 'please be quiet'. It's a
very real juggling act that people are having to carry out. The tip
that I'd like to give about that is for families to try and develop
routines that work for them. They don't need to be set in stone but
having those times in the day when now it's time for family time or
now it's time for work time so that children can learn the routine,
gain that reassurance that ok, Mummy/Daddy might be busy now but in a
while they are going to do something nice with them and spend time
with them so that there's that balance. And also try and manage that
parent guilt which many parents feel because you feel you're trying to
do your best for work, but you're trying to do your best for your
children and sometimes having that idea of routine or structure like
now I'm going to prioritise work but after lunch I'm going to
prioritise the children. Having that structure within the day can be
really reassuring for everybody in the family
Jeff: You mentioned key-workers. Do you think there are
unique pressures on key-workers who may be coming home having had more
stress in their day than normal?
Sarah: Very
likely. I think this situation is affecting everybody in different
ways. For key-workers the stresses and the anxieties will be very
real, they will be slightly different but they will be real. They also
may be more worried about the risk of infection and the illness side
of the virus and that may also increase stress in their children. The
routines for their children will have been turned on their head. Even
though they may be attending school it will not be school, as they
know it. Their parents may be less available; they may have less time
for them because their work hours may have increased if they're
key-workers. That can also increase stress and anxiety for the
children as well as the parents.
Jeff: Do you
think there is a particular confusion for a child who may become
anxious or even blame the parent because I can't go and see Nana, I
can't go and play with my friends? Is there any way that we can ease
those pressures and anxieties and worries?
Sarah: Oh, absolutely. There are some really good resources on line
to do with talking to children about coronavirus and the effects it's
having our lives. That's the key, really. It's about talking to
children; it's about understanding that their frustrations, their
anger maybe, are symptoms of how they're feeling. The more we can do
as parents to talk to them in a child appropriate way, to offer them
reassurance, to answer questions they ask as truthfully as possible.
My four year-old, most evenings as I'm putting her to bed asks: "Do
you know, Mummy, when coronavirus will be over?" How do I explain to a
four year-old that people are working on vaccines? I think I've got
there because now she asks: "Are the people still working hard,
Mummy?" So at least I can give her some reassurance. These questions
that children have are very real to them and it's important that we do
try and take the time and think about child appropriate ways of giving
them hope and optimism and giving them a picture that works for
Jeff: The final thing is what about iPad or
CBeebies guilt?
Sarah: It's interesting actually,
my area of research is around parents and managing screen time. A lot
of the literature in psychology says that screen time can be part of a
balanced childhood; letting your child watch TV, play games on the
iPad is not going to immediately damage them. It's something a lot of
parents are having to turn to and a lot of children are spending an
increased amount of time in front of the screen because a lot of the
work that schools are sending out has screen based activities. Again,
it's part of that balanced childhood. We know that children do learn
better from interacting with other people than they learn from
screens. But well-chosen content on screen can support learning and
can be part of your family routine at the moment definitely.
Jeff: I did suggest to my daughter that if she put subtitles
on and switched the sound down it would qualify as a reading lesson.
Could I have a professional endorsement on this please?
Sarah: Well, there is a lot of evidence that educational
screen time can be more beneficial than simply recreational screen
time so yes, make it into reading practice.