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Articles by Jeff Short
Women in a Patriarchal WorldWomen in a Patriarchal World
Jeff Short chats to renowned philosopher, sociologist and theologian, Elaine Storkey to explore the lives of courageous women from the Bible who stood up for what they believed even if it meant going against their culture or social expectations. [05.08.20]
Racing On EmptyRacing On Empty
Jeff Short chats to Iona Rossely about her new book Racing On Empty [23.07.20]
God And The PandemicGod And The Pandemic
Jeff Short chats with former Bishop of Durham Tom Wright about his new book as he describes that this is a time for lament and admitting we don't have easy answers during these times. [02.07.20]
Positive Parenting In A Pandemic
Jeff Short chats to Dr Sarah Rose about her webinars helping families across the UK adapt to home-schooling, by offering practical evidenced based tips on creating a happy home. [26.05.20]
House Of Bread
Jeff Short chats to Will Morris about how COVID-19 is affecting the work he does at House Of Bread and how during these times of adversity comes opportunity. [19.05.20]
Jeff Short chats to award-winning writer, Rhidian Brooks about his new book. [28.04.20]
Hidden In Plain Sight
Jeff Short chats with comedian and preacher Andy Kind on the challenges he is facing being a self employed entertainer. [16.04.20]
Where The Lost Things Go
Jeff Short chats to Lucy Berry, about her new book based on Mary Poppins' return and how it can relate to Lent [02.04.20]
Saltwater And HoneySaltwater And Honey
Jeff Short chats to Lizzie Lowrie about her new book sharing stories about infertility, miscarriage, childlessness and faith. [24.03.20]
Batting For The Poor Batting For The Poor
Jeff Short chats to Andrew Bradstock about the biography of former Bishop of Liverpool, social reformer and England cricketer David Sheppard that he has wrote. [17.03.20]

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