Jeff Short chats to award-winning writer, Rhidian Brooks about his new book.

Jeff: So tell us about the book, Godbothering. It's a
collection of 'Thoughts for the Day'.
Rhidian: Yes, I've been doing 'Thoughts for the Day' for twenty
years. SPCK, the publisher, approached me and said we're interested in
doing a collection of your thoughts, a kind of best of. So I was
flattered and spent a few months trying to cut down some 250 thoughts
to about 125. Those are the thoughts that have made it into the
Jeff: This is 20 years in the making. What
makes a good 'Thought for the Day'?
Rhidian: You've got a short amount of time to catch someone's
attention. A lot of the people who are listening are only half
listening and some don't want to listen at all. So you've got to have
a good opening line and a good closing line. And I guess you've got to
find an angle on something that's happening in the news that is
possibly slightly different in tone and outlook to everything else
that's coming at you through the Today programme.
Jeff: Would you say you have your own distinctive style?
Rhidian: I've been told that; I don't know if
it's for me to comment. I'm quite direct. My background as a
copywriter in advertising I think has helped me to try and sound pithy
and to the point. Advertising is a world also where you have 8
seconds, it used to be 8 seconds, to attract someone's attention and
make them sit up. So I guess I use some of that in trying to grab the
attention of the listener.
Jeff: Is it a case of
making one point well? Is there a danger that people try to put too
much into that little slot?
Rhidian: Yes, that's
very true. You have 3 minutes or 2 minutes 45 seconds is the ideal
length to say one thing well and maybe one thing that sits in the
listener's mind for the day either challenging them, perhaps
encouraging them, maybe helping them. I think over the years I've got
slightly more pastoral in my approach to 'Thought for the Day'. I've
come to understand that for a lot of people the last thing they need
is to be told what to do or even what to think. So you have to pitch
it in the right way and come at it with the right tone.
Jeff: I can imagine there is a temptation for anyone like
me, anyone who's mounted the pulpit steps, to speak at. What you're
saying there strikes a chord.
Rhidian: Yes,
there's no "we" on Thought for the Day as well so you can't make
assumptions about what people believe or even what they think. I've
always said there are three groups of people: there are the people who
are naturally hostile to anything to do with faith; then there are the
religious people, who are, in some ways, the toughest crowd and then
probably the vast majority of people, which is really all of us, which
is the weary and the wary, people half-listening, needing something
encouraging and helpful to get them through the day.
Jeff: Do you get feedback?
Rhidian: I
do. The nature of that has changed over the years. It used to be
letters that were forwarded from the BBC. Then Twitter and social
media, the response is accelerated, so you get a much quicker
feedback. By and large it's been positive. A lot of those letters used
to be from older people who were correcting me either on my use of
scripture or my theology, the occasional green ink letter, which you
had to try and set aside. But more recently, often as I'm leaving the
studio, a Thought might be being re-tweeted within 5 or 10 minutes of
me doing it and that can generate a good conversation and a response,
which is great. So, yes, you're always going to get hostility and
occasionally some unpleasant responses, but by and large supportive
and encouraging.
Jeff: Do you want it to be a
catalyst to people going on thinking and developing your thoughts and
pushing it out further?
Rhidian: Yes, I think so.
It's a balancing act between making a connection to people but perhaps
getting them to think and see something they haven't and that's hard.
The former is what leads to platitudes, when you tag on what they want
to hear. The tough thing is telling the people what they don't want to
hear. Every time I do Thought for the Day I walk past a statue of
George Orwell who said it's the job of, in his case writers, to say
the uncomfortable thing rather than the thing people want to hear. I
always bear that in mind when I'm doing Thought.
Jeff: Yes, that is quite a statement. When we're in this
lockdown situation and how society is having to face up to things,
when I look at your biography you started writing as a result of not
being able to do work following some sort of virus. Is that
Rhidian: Yes, that is true. I had ME for
two years in my early twenties, which is when I came to faith. I have
actually just had a mild dose of coronavirus so I'm feeling stronger
today than in the last 2 or 3 days. I'm on day 11 I think. It's
slightly transported me back to that moment of being ill many years
ago. It's not a pleasant experience; even having it mildly has not
been good so I feel for those who have had it worse. Feeling powerless
was the main feeling I had back then, that I wasn't in control of my
life, that death was more immanent perhaps. All of these things fed
into what I wanted to write and my connection with faith which I came
to during that time.
Jeff: Over that two-year
period that's where your first written works came out but you say also
that was where faith came as well.
Rhidian: Yes,
faith and writing have sort of gone together for me. I was in
advertising, I was working as a copywriter but I had no ambition to be
a novelist. It wasn't until I was ill and laid low and couldn't work
that I tried my hand. I wrote my first novel, all those years ago, the
Testimony of Taliesin Jones, which was about someone recovering from
an illness. It was having a sense of meaning and purpose to life that
I hadn't really seen before that gave me a sort of pressing urgency to
want to write.
Jeff: People who've climbed the
pulpit steps we say phrases that have got the damp whiff of the pulpit
about them, but there is that sense of something good coming out of
the most difficult of circumstances for you. I suppose the scripture
is 'all things work to good.' Not all things are good, that's patent
but some good can come and in Holy Week that's something that needs
more than a passing glance.
Rhidian: It's a
strange combination of looking at a future and a hope and actually
finding hope right in the moment. What's interesting about the time
that we're in now is it's stripping every thing back to the moment and
people's plans, and I guess their hopes and dreams, are all on hold
and they're having to re-calibrate how to look at what they value and
what matters. So there is good to be found even in the midst of what's
happening now, suffering, and difficulty. I wouldn't want to over egg
that but at the same time it's clear that goodness is rising to the
surface. Certainly in my community there's a lot of kindness being
shown. I'm not saying it wasn't there before but there's an
opportunity to express that kindness, small acts of kindness, if you
like. That's been very noticeable to me where we are and you can tell
from around the country that it's been a similar experience for
Jeff: In a strange way it gives people
perhaps the chance to express the goodness that was always there but
they struggled to find a means of that being expressed.
Rhidian: It's partly coming to a stop; it's been forced to
come to a stop. Looking back to my own illness all those years ago I
went from being quite energetic and healthy to being unable to get out
of bed for a long time. That forced me to rethink; mercifully it
didn't end my life. There are many people for whom that is the case
now. Again, it's hard to over egg what good comes from it but clearly
there is good coming from it.
Jeff: Going back to
the Godbothering book, I very often ask authors whose hand would you
like to put that book into. Just looking at some of the comments
people made, 'I'll give this wonderful book to friends to fortify
them, to the lazy to challenge them, to the busy to remind them of
things more important.' I guess anybody could pick this up and get
something from it.
Rhidian: I'd like to think so,
yes. As with my Thoughts, I have a certain demographic in mind when
I'm writing and it's not necessarily the faithful, hence the title.
'Godbothering' has a double meaning. It is the old pejorative term for
someone who is always banging on about God, a bible basher if you
like. But also the idea of a God who bothers, which is essentially the
gospel, and I always try to remember that when doing a Thought. That's
what I'm trying to tell. If I'm saying anything it's that there is a
God and not only is there a God but there's a God who's bothered,
bothered with us and bothered to make himself known, whether it be
through something strange in the news or something awful or something
funny. It's trying to find God in the quotidian, in the everyday and
not limit God to the places where you'd normally expect to find him,
if you like.
Jeff: When you look back over the 20
years that are contained in the book, do you have any
Rhidian: Yes, I have a couple. I did
a Thought for the Day on Live Aid 2005 where I comprised the whole
thought of lyrics by pop bands and I did the Thought and that morning
Bob Geldof called me and asked me if I'd read it at Live Aid.
Thankfully I didn't have to because they couldn't fit me in. That was
a good moment. I did a thought when I was travelling. I think I'm one
of the few people to do Thoughts for the Day from abroad. When I was
travelling with my family I was writing a book about the aids pandemic
for the Salvation Army called More Than Eyes Can See and I did three
or four Thoughts from Sub-Saharan Africa. I did one about a woman
thanking God for a glass of water. That Thought is one of my favourite
Thoughts; it often gets quoted. I often get asked if people can use
it. So, yes, there are ones that leap out. I did one more recently
about dementia that struck a chord in terms of the conversation.
Jeff: That's one that I've heard. I don't always
catch it, too busy. I've also heard people mentioning it. That
certainly struck a chord because that is a bigger pandemic than the
one we're facing. The book is published by SPCK and it's available
now, is it?
Rhidian: It is. It was launched the
week of the lockdown so it wasn't a great start; it wasn't a great
moment for me so any shout out for the book is welcome.
Jeff: If people have got time on their hands and they are
not used to reading, to read this collection of Thoughts for the Day
is an easy way to get to it.