My girlfriend Lydia
I am a true believer of my Lord Jesus Christ. I have a friend named Lydia. I've known her since she was 8 years old. I have a special request, she's been suffering with pain for such a long time now. She's in her 60's she's a Catholic. I went to her house today to cook for her. Anyway I went there and we prayed the sinners prayer. To make a long story short she had knee surgery and back surgery etc. my request is please keep her in your prayers. I'm praying that she accepts the Lord. please pray for her cuz she needs prayers. I want her to get well n be free from pain. She's a dear friend of mine.
Thanking you in advance
Submitted by Mattie on 28 Nov 2018
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My name is race I have sinned.
I have an unhealthy addiction to paedophile gays sex drugs and guns. Sometimes I like to combine all 3.
I think I would make an ideal Christian. Submitted by race on 27 Mar 2015
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Take the Lead
Dear God,
I have made many sins in my life. Sometimes to where not only does it hurt others, but it hurts me. I do not wan't that anymore. I need you God. My Dad doesn't even love me anymore. He disowned me. Now, I know that you can't change him, but I just pray that you will come in my life and make everything better. I know as life goes on people will still make mistakes. Especially me. So I ask you to take the lead in my life. Please God help me. Give this sinner another chance. I can't live without you in my life.
Amen. Submitted by Scott Cline on 29 Mar 2013
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I don't want to go to Hell
Dear God,
I believe in you and I know that you sent your Son, Jesus Christ, to die for my sins. I'm really scared of going to Hell,
please save me.
I've never had a spiritual experience before in my life, why don't I feel anything when I pray? What am I doing wrong?
I want to have a relationship with you more than anything.
Submitted by Louise on 26 Nov 2011
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i want intimacy with God
Heavenly father , i know i aint perfect, something i do things that i clearly know are not in line wiyh your principles.I ask for your forgiveness and a chance to start over with you as my guider.i so wat you to be my guider,my leader, my comforter.I know you died for my sins which is why i satnd before you and ask that you give me inner peace,restore what the devil has stolen from me in your name.I want to feel you in my heart,to walk with you and ahve an intimate relationship with you.Lord allow me to see your face. my life is so messed up,since i graduated i have been struggling to get a job,nothing i do is working out,where are you Lord,why must i be a beggar when you suppose to look after me.secondly i have serious selfesteem issues,and fear of the unknown of people....give me light Lord and the breaktru am so yearning for but most importantly let me see your face.. Submitted by Ayanda on 20 Jun 2011
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Love, forgiveness and guidance
I am not what you would say a devout Christian, but for all of my life I have believed that someone is up there watching over us and checking we are ok. I have tried but never found the correct medium for contacting God, and foolishly I have let my life slip by without His guidance, warmth and love. This is a time I need to truly feel that the Lord is watching over me right now, and so i can ask for forgiveness and guidance
I have found the love of my life; a feeling so certain it resounds out of every fibre in my body. However, I have lied to her, betrayed her trust and have jeopardised everything we have over my stupid fears and feelings of guilt and inadequacy.
I pray to God for forgiveness for my sins, that my love will not feel ill of herself and that she still feels the love and connection we share. I want to feel the Lord's warmth, His guidance and to give myself fully to Him. I just fear I'm not worthy of Him or for her. How do I connect to you, Lord? Submitted by Olly on 19 Jan 2011
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becoming a chrstian
becoming a christian is a big step forward in a persons life...
anyone Celebrity..or ordinary person
it important to God whom ever you are
I had to pull a few people up cos felt like they put themselves in judgement seat...
also celebrating when a celebrity becomes a christian ..that all very well but ..
when a ordinary person becomes a christian
thee Angels of God..still celebrate...
turnig over to Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour reaching out your hand saying
God can you help...
please ...
he reaches back ..God does hear ..
and works on many many ways..
so if you think God not talking to you
think again...
cos it could be through Divine Gidance
that is things working out well in the end
problems getting resolved situations being cleared up...
God will eventually act,and that my friend is what you call Divine timing Divine guidance..
that mean Heavenly influences!
all i can say Bring it on God!
Give God around of applause..seriously
show your appreciation and God will meet you half way more than ever
Submitted by Tracy on 21 Apr 2010
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Do I beleive?
Hey God... I've never really been an avid follower of any faith, but I always get this creeping feeling in the back of my mind that there is somebody out there, that there is life after death, all that jazz. I live next to a church, and every time I walk past it I cross my heart. It's almost habitual. Every time, I just get a sense of hope, that everything is going to be okay. Generally, whatever happens throughout the day, If something goes wrong, it never goes as bad as it could do. Luck, or the Lord, I don't know. I have mixed beliefs about many things, but I still want God in my life. If God really does exist, and loves everybody, I don't see why he wouldn't accept my different views... I do my best to accept God, but I just don't feel the zeal, or warmth people say. I want to beleive in you God... help me believe? Submitted by Nicholas on 15 Apr 2010
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My faith is my love for GOD.
Once i said i love the Lord, but i didnt no what i was saying , i said it cause i was a child , and every body else was saying it, my grandmother always told me about the lord, i said grandma i want to no him, i also want to love him grandma, so she took me and my brother ,and sister to the morning bench,she said sit here all week uhtil God move you, my brothers were jumping up and down praising, but it looked like playing to me, i went home that night, i said grandma he didnt move me ,she said you just keep coming all week and sit on the bench, and say in the name of the father,son and holyspirit, so i did ,that thursday night i went to the bench,i said what grandma told me,all of a sudden tears started rolling down my face,i started running and praising, doing this dance i never did be for,all i want to say is praise GOD, she no longer on this ,but grandma i will see you on the other side Submitted by felicia on 29 Oct 2009
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for being there
Dear God...
i just want to thank you for being there--and for your tender-.
mercies every-day...and for the peace in a world in need of
you.....a world filled with worries and problems
make me more usefull...specially with my sister Isabelle (who
is not yet saved)
i need you Jesus every-day...thank you..for being there
in all need need need..
and then... thank you
francis..... Submitted by Francis on 17 Jun 2009
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