Deuteronomy 30:19, 1 Chronicles 16:11, John 10:10
Suzie Brock shares her story of how she has got closer to God.

At the start of last year I decided that I wanted to be different. I
heard a radio personality speaking one day and he said, "Every day of
your life you should do something towards reaching your goal." I had
to think about what my actual goal was. In all honesty, without trying
to be hyper spiritual, I realised it was to know God more and to
follow Jesus closer.
It also led me to remember the
quote, 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results.' In other words, the status quo of my
life wasn't going to lead me to my goal.
So how
could I be different and how could I do different?
I am a Christian and I follow Jesus with all my heart to the best of
my ability, but yet I want to be closer. I realised that it wasn't
just the seeking, but it was also sometimes in the doing. I don't mean
living life pressured by a works mentality, but rather just making
wise decisions, intentionally picking paths that would lead me to
better places.
I'm in charge of what enters not only into
my mouth, but also the things that I allow into my soul and into my
spirit. Scripture tells us that all things are legal, but not all
things are profitable or beneficial. I think I understand that
scripture: I am God's daughter and He loves me no matter what, He's
not leaving me or looking for a reason to do so. I can probably get
away with a lot and still be loved by Him, but it's not necessarily
going to profit my life.
I started living with greater
intent to reach a goal; a drive to reach a destination that was better
than the last one. When watching TV or a movie I would really stop and
think is this profitable for me? Do I need this in my spirit or in my
After a while, like a dieter dropping a few stone, I started feeling lighter, more in touch, and more at peace. In His presence is fullness of joy, it's good to get into His presence!
With intention I did better at choosing what I watched and what I read, and what I let come in. It was replacing wasted time with being with God in prayer and with His people in love. To actually be present and not distracted with those I choose to spend time with. I guess in a way I was fasting not just food, but lots of other empty calories in my life.
This brought me so much freedom; new freedom and better freedom and actually feeling closer to God. Taking more time with INTENT to seek out goodness and be a distributor of that goodness was making me a stronger person.
In John 10:10 when Jesus said "I came to give you a life rich full and satisfying" He meant it. Being and moving with greater intent in the choices I made every day made such a difference! The cool thing is, I know that I can come even closer this year; I can continue to choose to live with intent; to press in, look deeper, seek further and become stronger!
'Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!' (Deuteronomy 30:19)
'Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him.' (1 Chronicles 16:11)
'The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose
is to give them a rich and satisfying life.' (John 10:10)