The book of Esther

Read - The book of Esther
I am constantly amazed at how the Bible, a collection of writings spanning hundreds of years, hangs together and with one-voice points to Jesus. He is both explicitly described and implicitly alluded to. He is both the dominant figure and the sub-text. He is in all and through all - the subject and the author, He is both the beginning and the end.
This week I want to encourage you to read the book of Esther. You may be familiar with this account in Israel's history or it may be new to you - it is an incredible story of passionate love, overwhelming courage and magnificent faith.
As with so much of Scripture, the text can be read on many different levels. I want to encourage you to read it with Jesus in mind. This real historical event is a fantastic foreshadow of the Gospel of Salvation.
To help get you started, try reading and thinking of the central characters as described below.
- King Xerxes - the Lord God
- Queen Vashti - Israel
- Mordecai - the Holy Spirit
- Esther - the Church
- Haman - Satan
As you read ask yourself the following.
- How does this relate or describe the Gospel?
- What does this tell me about God?
- What does this tell me about the Church?
- What does this tell me about me?
Why not post your thoughts as a comment below and share what you have discovered?