Romans 5:2, Ephesians 1:3, Ephesians 1:20-22
Continued from page 2
As we finish this article today and we dive into the rest of the day I want to leave you with this practical challenge. When people say thank you to you for something you have done or a kindness you have shown them, reply by saying IT'S A PRIVILEGE.
Every time I say that, it reminds me that indeed my life is a privilege. The cool thing is to see the surprised look on people's faces when they realize I enjoy helping or serving them. On most occasions, it causes a smile and almost always lifts my spirit into a greater appreciation of life.
Try it and you will not be disappointed. The more "It's a privilege" comments you get in a day, the happier your day will be. I am aiming for ten "It's a privilege comments today" if you get more then me let me know and we will compare notes!
Thank you for your time. It's been a privilege.