Luke 8: 22-25

Don't you just love the films where the goodies are about to lose and just in the nick of time re-enforcements come along and save the day. All good movies have a near death situation for the heroes and in some cases they actually die but hey! My daughter who is four loves to watch children's films like Lion King, Shrek and Toy Story. These all have parts where, things get a bit scary like, Mufasa falling from the cliff or when the dragon is chasing Shrek, donkey and Princess Fiona and even though she has seen them loads of times she still gets a little bit scared. She likes the fact that it is a little bit scary but she also knows that it all works out in the end for the best.
In our lives we go through times of great joy, but also there are times of what seems like great peril also.
In Luke 8: 22-25 it says,
'One day He and His disciples got in a boat. "Let's cross the lake,"
He said. And off they went. It was smooth sailing, and He fell asleep.
A terrific storm came up suddenly on the lake. Water poured in, and
they were about to capsize. They woke Jesus: "Master, Master, we're
going to drown!" Getting to His feet, He told the wind, "Silence!" and
the waves, "Quiet down!" They did it. The lake became smooth as glass.
Then He said to His disciples, "Why can't you trust me?"
were in absolute awe, staggered and stammering, "Who is this, anyway?
He calls out to the winds and sea, and they do what He tells them!"'
There are times when we feel that we will be swamped with all the pressure and situations that can face us, to the point that we will drown beneath it all, but out of the above passage I want to show you two principles that I pray will help you.
1. 'They woke Jesus' - the disciples did as they always did, and that was to go to Jesus and ask Him to take control of the situation. We, if we love God and follow His will for our lives can have a security that when we ask Jesus to step in to a situation and give Him full control, He will and He will help and support you through it.
But also
2. Jesus said to the disciples "why can't you trust me?" The disciples
failed to see that with Jesus there already in the middle of the storm
that their safety was already secure. The disciples had already obeyed
Jesus and got into the boat, so they should have realised that they
were doing exactly what Jesus wanted and we can be sure that when we
are following Gods will for our lives, then even though a storm may
come along we can find security in the storm.