Numbers 14: 24

Do you ever take time out to sit back and reflect on the accomplishments that have taken place in your walk with God? Sometimes the constant pressures of timetables, deadlines and various other pressures can sometimes mean that we are snoozing rather than reflecting.
If we take a look at the process that Israel went through during the Exodus there are some very important lessons and steps that we can follow.
See the promise - Numbers 14: 24
Joshua had a different spirit, He went into the Promised Land and saw the same as the other spies but came to a totally different conclusion - How?
Exodus 33: 11 tells us that Joshua would hang around the tent that God would speak to Moses in. This says to me that there was something about Joshua that wanted to get as much of Gods presence as he could. If we want to see the promise that God has for us, the place we need to start is getting into Gods presence.
His perspective did not come from the places and the situations that he found himself, it came from a knowledge of how mighty and powerful his God was in any place or situation.
Support the promise - Numbers 32
o Reuben
o Gad
o The half-tribe of Manasseh
These are known as the Trans-Jordan Tribes (because they decided that they wanted to live on the other side of the Jordan and not in the Promised Land.) However Moses said that if that was what they wanted to do then they must still come over the Jordan and support the rest of the tribes in receiving their inheritance.
These tribes settled for less than what God had for them, God save us
from settling for second best - make sure that you are supporting the
things that God has promised you and also the fellowship that God as
placed you in.
Seize the promise - Joshua 1:
I believe that history is written at points of "Red sea moments" when all that is in front of Gods people is a vast impassable obstacle, and all that is behind are the things that have held them back for long enough and it is at this point of decision that our God given purpose can be advanced or quashed.
God has promises for all His people to inherit, but it takes action from His people to seize them.
Secure the promise - Joshua 3: 5
As individuals and also corporately, we Consecrate (set apart) ourselves before God, He will begin to amaze us with the things that He will do not only for us and in us but also for the colleges, schools, work places, homes and communities that we engage with.
The way to secure Gods promises is not an easy task, but it will be the greatest journey you will ever have, whilst on earth.
Today work towards making Gods promise into a reality in your life.