Psalm 25:9
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God then makes it clear to them their way out. Often things can seem unclear as to the answer to our prayers but on this occasion they had 4 choices:
- They could have stayed where they were - which meant missing out on what God had for them.
- Walk down stream - with the possibility of a river coming up behind them? Not really an option.
- Walk upstream - into a wall of water? Not a great choice either.
- Straight ahead, across the river - the quickest way and straight into the promises of God.
God will make His way clear to those that love and obey Him.
Psalm 25:9
He guides the humble in what is right
teaches them his way.
Read Psalm 25 it's great, let it seep into your soul.
The third question is:
Are you ready for the challenges
ahead of you as God leads you out?
Israel made it to the beginning of their promise but God had things for them to do and will have things for us to do.
Remember that as He leads us DOWN into areas that seam too big for us
to handle, He won't leave us alone BUT will step in and lead us OUT.