Romans 5: 6, Matthew 26: 47, Luke 14, John 19: 30, Acts 3: 15, Romans 8: 28

This Christmastime I have been running around like mad trying to sort out our churches carol concert. It all started back in October when I thought that I would begin writing all the material for the carol concert "nice and early" so as to avoid all the normal stresses that go along with it. So I sat down and began to think about what we could do to get the whole message of Christmas over to all the parents that come and see their children with a tea towel on their heads; trying to look like a shepherd. Well after writing about five different starts to the thing I scrapped them all and started the one that we will actually be doing.
Well the thing about all books, plays, songs anything really that is written or created is that it takes a few ingredients before it gets to what the author wants it to be.
1. Time - Time is something that a lot of people don't have in fact
even with all these labour saving devices (dishwasher, microwave) we
seem to have even less time, yet Jesus' timing is impeccable:
'You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless,
Christ died for the ungodly.' Romans 5: 6
2. Effort - We try and get so much and have so much but don't want to put the effort in. As I have said in previous studies that I have written, I am a bit of a cleaning freak, but recently due to interrupted nights of sleep and amount of work I have to do I have not had the inclination to clean, and therefore the house is not as clean as I would like it. Thank God that Jesus still did the things the Father wanted Him to do! Read Matthew 26: 47 onwards. I'm glad that Jesus made the effort!
3. Commitment - People are great starters but very poor finishers.
What we tend to do is rush into things without weighing the cost. In
Luke 14 it talks about the cost of being a disciple and about first
making sure that you are up to it, but Jesus was up to the job that He
had to do and thankfully completed it:
'When he had received the
drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and
gave up His spirit.' John 19: 30
In Acts 3: 15 Peter calls Jesus "the author of life" Your life is like a story which only God knows the ending to, we can either work with the author and become what He wants us to be or we can work against Him.
Today what will you choose?
Let me leave you with one last thing from the Author of life to try and help you decide-
'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who
love Him.' Romans 8: 28