Ruth 1: 1-17
Bethlehem is in a state of severe famine and many people are leaving the land in search for food elsewhere. The family of Elimelech crosses the Jordan into the land of Moab, desperately trying to find a place to settle. Sadly, Elimelech passes away as do his sons who had also married. The three women are left to fend for themselves.
I worked in a sports shop for about two years as a sales assistant. It provided me with enough money to go out with my friends, buy a few CD's now and again and generally enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. It was always ok but never really what I wanted to do. I had another plan. I wanted to go to America for the summer and work in a hotel that belonged to a friend of mine who lived in Wyoming. It was a dream, and more importantly for me, I could earn a lot of money.
But things changed. I began to question whether what I wanted was right with God and not just right with me. I prayed a lot about it and everything began to change. My dream of working in Wyoming soon fell through and God opened another door for me. It was a mission trip to Thailand with a group of 14 other students telling people about Jesus and what he could do for them. It was for a month, I would get paid and it would cost over £1000. I felt God calling me to do it and in the end I agreed. Collecting the money would be difficult and seemed even harder when God also called me to quit my job. I did so once again and felt really on the edge. I kept praying about it all and asked the church to help me finance my mission trip. Did they? They came up with every penny. It nearly made me cry!
In this story, Naomi tells her daughter-in-laws to go back to their homes because there is nothing that she can give them. Orpah agrees and leaves for her hometown, but Ruth stays speaking some of the most wonderful words ever heard, showing her to be a true friend. Isn't it sad that some people can walk with God for some of the way but then they fail to make that step of faith, which entrusts all they have to Him?
Which way would you have gone?