Hebrews 10:19-22, James 4:8
Paul Critchley encourages us to come close to God in worship

I've been really encouraged recently by the evidence of faith that is growing in those who are around me. I've been especially spurred on by seeing faith expand in my worship team.
I don't apologise for writing about worship. It's my calling from God and I am definitely speaking this to myself as I write to you. I'm on a journey of increasing faith but am so glad that God has given me freedom to stir up faith in me and in those I lead.
During worship we often sing songs that declare God owns everything; that He's in control; that we love Him regardless of joy or pain, whatever the circumstance. We express thanks no matter the situation; say that we surrender to His ways; sing out the authority of His name and ask for forgiveness. The list can and does go on. There really is so much to worship and thank Him for; so many subjects and themes, but our worship must also be on display in our behaviour and attitude as well as our singing.
Worship itself is an act that needs our faith and trust; it's a belief that we can, without fear, give our lives totally over to Him, allowing Him to lead us where He wants us to go, even if it's an uncomfortable place. It's a mindset that faithfully allows Him to have control of our money, our jobs, our relationships and the future we cannot yet see.
When we recognised the truth of our friendship with Jesus we were each given a measure, or an amount of faith and that faith needs encouraging, exercising, and stirring up on the inside. If we never feed it or give it any attention, it's not going to grow bigger or stronger.
Giving our own daily worship, meeting with others to worship, speaking and singing out God's word will all cause our faith to grow.
I am in no way making light of this and saying that a formula will do it. It can be hard; it can be an act of will. It might be out of a place where I'm saying, 'This is the last thing I feel like doing' ...but... when we make a choice to come to Him, He will meet us in that place.
I remember leading a worship seminar a couple of years ago. I was taking the group through the amazing truth of our right in Jesus to come to the most intimate place, the holy of holies, once reserved for the High Priest, but now wide open to us because of Jesus' ultimate and worthy sacrifice. It's the truth found in Hebrews 10:19-22, 'Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings.' I was a bit shocked when someone stood up and said, 'That's old stuff, Jesus is everywhere. He's all around us!' Hmm... After a swift prayer for wisdom I had to of course agree, but was able to share this, 'It is true, His presence is everywhere, but He still wants us to come and meet with Him. We have friends and family 'around' us, yet without coming together we don't have relationship'.
It's that place of closeness that God loves. We were made to worship; we were designed to live in His presence. He has made every opportunity, offered every invitation for us to have that level of intimacy with Him. It's a place where He holds us, hears us, advises us, cheers us on and yet we often miss out on the reality of His nearness. James 4:8 says this, 'Draw near to God and He will draw near to you'.
I did say that sometimes we worship Him out of obedience, out of choice. This is sacrificial worship. It's given along with our practical tithes and offerings and it's a response to God's commandment. Though this might sometimes seem a bit false or weak on our part, the exciting truth is that He sees the intention. He values our decision to come towards Him, especially when the road is not smooth or we don't 'feel' anything. It's these times that build our faith. They work on our spiritual muscle and strengthen us in times of weakness. They give God the opportunity to train us and equip us.
God loves our worship. He is jealous for our love. If anyone ever deserved this response, it is Him. Naturally, we love it when we are encouraged by others, when we receive praise for that we've done well. Though God values this from us, He doesn't need it to grow or function or stay encouraged. It's us who need it. He's pleased in watching us as we engage with Him, as we dig into the reality of our relationship with Him. But the exercise builds us up; it benefits us; it grows our faith.
So, whatever is happening today, the good, bad or ugly, make a choice
to get close. Make a choice to worship. Stir it up and sense His
pleasure and passion over you as you do.