In all of my years in youth and children's ministry, my greatest joy continues to be the thrill of seeing young people commit to following Jesus. For this reason, it's such a privilege to serve in a movement that, even after a hundred years, is still being used by God to reach thousands of young people with the good news. However, my joy is far from complete. Why? Because there are millions of young lives who still only believe that 'Jesus' is nothing but a swearword.
Two thousands years ago, Jesus Christ walked the streets of many towns and villages. His heart broke as he watched the multitudes drift aimlessly through life. Yet Jesus saw this as an opportunity to be seized, rather than a hopeless tragedy. 'The Harvest is ripe' He declared.
It's fantastic to see the great work that many churches across the country are doing as they seek to bring the Gospel to this generation. But the truth is, we have only just begun! The statistics tell us that over 9 million children and young people in the UK are missing out on Jesus. That's 90% of their population! 9 million children and young people who are harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 9 million children and young people who break the heart of Jesus as He sees them live lives so short of their potential in Him. Television programmes like 'Brat Camp' and 'The Unteachables' are sad reminders about the desperate state of this generation.
But Jesus is not a pessimist! His pronouncement, 'the harvest is ripe', transcends two millennia - calling men and women to give their all for a lost and hurting 21st Century generation. This is not triumphalism - I fully appreciate that mission amongst children and young people is extremely challenging. But I am not depressed, downhearted or pessimistic. In fact, I'm with Jesus. The harvest is ripe! The opportunity for the Kingdom to come, bringing hope and transformation amongst this generation, is immense. The challenge is whether we will seize the opportunity. What will we do to reach the lost millions in our nation? Are we satisfied with what we have, the million that we are reaching in the knowledge that millions more face a lost eternity? I don't think so.
In light of these challenges, we must refuse to rest in the comfort of past success. We must be totally committed to reach out to a harvest field of 9 million young lives. Key to this challenge is the need to pray Jesus prayer' that more workers will be released into the harvest field. Let's remember though, that as we earnestly seek the face of God for the solution to reaching this generation, we may find the great finger of Almighty pointing back towards us, bidding us to 'get stuck in TODAY'.
Let's get busy about our Father's business!