James 1, 1 Peter 1:6-7
Continued from page 1
Trials will either make you bitter or better.
If you want to become bitter.
- Then live in 'why me?' - Be consumed by regret
- Believe the lie that your troubled history plus your present problem will equate to a hopeless future
None of us really want to live life that way, do we?
So if you want to allow your trials to make you better then.
- Come to God with honesty - "God, I don't like this and I don't understand this"
- Come to God with faith - "God, I know that with you a better day is coming"
- Come to God with courage - "God, use these present trials to make me more like Jesus - prove my faith, give me a persevering spirit, help me to grow into maturity - to be the person you created me to be"
- Come to God with thankfulness and joy - "God, I know that you are always with me, to bring comfort, peace and hope"
And see what God will do!!!!!