Psalm 51

I deeply desire to do God's will and I fear Him.
I would love
that my thoughts , speech and actions pleased Him and brought joy to
His heart.
But the truth is I fail everyday.
I am aware that I fall short
in thought, word and deed.
It's a hard but sure fact that,
compared to the righteousness of God the very fabric of my nature is
Psalm 51 tells us about David's heart cry to God.
David was known to be a person 'after Gods own heart'.
desired and closely walked in an upright way.
It is comforting
to know that David desperately needed to obtain mercy when becoming
painfully aware of his blunders and shortcomings.
The deeper I
go with God and the more closely I attempt to follow His ways the more
acutely I become aware of my sin and my need for him to clothe me in
His righteousness.
Paul, having walked a beautiful example of
Christian love, commitment and faithfulness called himself the 'Chief
of Sinners' and yet he could confidently hope for 'the crown of life'
in eternity.
Why? because he knew that he had obtained mercy.
Be encouraged that as you recognise your faults in sincerity and truth
before The Lord you can know His great mercy. His constant love will
wash away your sin!
I am going through a lot of pain in my life and i do not know to find help or to run to.I am deeply in love and believe in God but is hard for,i need God's mercy on my life as i am falling into pieces.