Numbers 13 and 14
Continued from page 1
Put God in the Centre of decision making
Don't make any decision without having God involved in the equation somewhere. The Father wants us to be bold, strong and courageous; to trust Him, to humble ourselves and to draw near to Him, and as we do that He will start to enable us to live the impossible dream.
Remember the good things God has done for us
We need to understand and remember what God has done for us, and before you say 'God's done nothing for me, He does it for everyone else', here is a short list. He has forgiven every sin you have, are and will commit. He has conquered the power of death in your life, and He has made you his son. Now compared to those things how does your situation rate? Suddenly it doesn't seem as big does it?
Don't dodge the facts, view them in perspective
Just as Joshua and Caleb brought back an honest report, we need to admit that in our life problems arise and they are issues to overcome, but that's what they are, issues to overcome, not things to put a block on you growing and developing as person and a Christian.
Understand who we are as Christians
We need to understand that now we are Christians we have no need to be 'grasshoppers in our own eyes.' God calls us to be victors, overcomers and people who live the impossible dream.
For some of us that means overcoming issues in our life that seem
massive, for others it may mean taking some early steps in ministry
and for a couple of us that may mean grabbing hold of some big plan
God is stirring up in our hearts.