Romans 12: 2

Have you ever wondered what happens when a caterpillar transforms inside a chrysalis into a butterfly? I have. What goes on? Where do the wings come from? How does it know how to fly? (do chrysalis come with little flight simulators inside?) How does it know it can fly? Does the caterpillar know its going to become a butterfly? How does something so boring become something so colourful? What does it eat while it's changing? Where does its poo go?
Ok enough questions I will never get answers too!
However we do know something about that process of change, the process of transformation. Romans 12: 2 speaks about being transformed by the renewing of our mind. The word transformed used there, is the very same word used to describe the change a caterpillar makes to transform into a butterfly.
God wants to make us into something new, colourful, and more beautiful than we could ever imagine. I'll go further than that. God has destined to make us into something beautiful. Just as a caterpillar is destined to become a butterfly, we are destined to be transformed into something beautiful by God.
The last time I shared with you I talked about what God did when we became Christians, this time I want to talk about what God is doing in you right now. We are being changed daily. It's an ongoing process of God slowly changing us, moulding us and making us more like Christ.
What Jesus completed the very second that we became Christians was mainly about our spiritual status and standing. He is now working on our personality and character (or if you prefer soul,) so as each day goes by we walk and talk more like Him.
So be encouraged! You are being changed, as Paul says 'from glory into glory'. (2 Corinthians 3: 18) Paul also says 'God will complete the work that He's begun' in you. (Philippians 1: 6) It's Gods work, He started it and He will finish it, but I believe the New Testament is full of exhortations to press on, choose godly things, and draw close to God. I believe God wants us to partner with Him in changing our lives.
I have a number of suggestions in the ways we can aid Gods process of transformation.
1) Draw close to Jesus. The Bible says 'when we see Him we will be like Him' (1 John 3: 2), as we comprehend Jesus more, our mind, will, and emotions will be changed. So pray and worship deeply and regularly.
2) Rest in His word. The Bible transforms us, it shows us Jesus, unveils Gods will for our lives, challenges sin, inspires us, encourages us, motivates us.
3) Choose God over Sin. Our choices define our character, if we choose sin we hinder Gods purpose for our life, if we choose God we aid it.
4) Choose good company. Iron sharpens Iron, make sure you have some good company in your life.
Understand that this process takes time! A great quote that I have heard attributed to several great people is:
"I might not be the man I could be, I may not be the man I should be, I may not be the man I ought to be, but thank God I'm not the man I used to be."
Partner with God, and be a help to the transformation process, not a
hindrance! God is changing you and will complete the work He started.
I was looking for information on the process of the catapillar to buttterfly because the lord gave my the word crysalis this morning. I am a born again spirit fill follower of Jesus Christ. I have been through a long period of going knowwhere (kind of like joseph) I have been in a shadow of a prison for over 12 years. I believe God is doing a mighty work with me and when i am ready i will be launched out into the plan of God! I was delighted to find your sight and read your word regarding the butterfly in relation to our transformation in jesus, Excellent!
God BLESS you, Michelle Schaeffer