Amos 3:3, Psalm 53:2, Psalm 63
Jeff Cutts reflects on the importance of walking in agreement with God.
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I really enjoy getting out for a walk with a friend. It's amazing the distance you can cover together in both miles and conversation as you walk. There's the satisfying rhythm of finding you are naturally walking in step with each other as you give attention to one another in what each is saying.
I also love going for a walk out alone, with the intention of talking with God. It can be around town, or out in the countryside. Praying as I walk can be so helpful in bringing me close in heart and mind to Father God.
If you've never done this, then I encourage you to try it. In the beginning of the Bible we're told that God would walk with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening. There was also a man called Enoch, who 'walked with God'. Then one day Enoch wasn't around, because God had taken him home. That's such a great picture of a really close relationship with God.
Amos 3:3 asks the question: 'How can two people walk together unless they agree?'
We don't walk with someone unless we agree to meet and walk together. We agree the time and place we walk from and we agree the direction we walk in.
The words in this verse that talk about walking together, carry the meaning of meeting together and of making an appointment. Two people who meet together may not be in complete agreement about everything, but their conversation can bring them closer together as they share their thoughts.
God even says at one point, 'Come, let us reason together...' He asks us to join in conversation with Him. He wants us to make that appointment to meet with Him and walk with Him. As we do, we will find we start to walk in step with Him, in agreement.
We can use the word 'walk' figuratively, meaning the way we live our lives and express our faith in God. Perhaps you've heard people say, 'They talk the talk, but can they walk the walk?' or something similar. If we choose to walk with God then we are choosing to side with Him, know Him and live in obedience to Him for His glory. We can't do that without agreeing with Him and He knows where He's going!
'God looks down from heaven
on the entire human race;
looks to see if anyone is truly wise,
if anyone seeks God.
(Psalm 53:2)
O God, you are my God;
I earnestly search for you.
soul thirsts for you;
my whole body longs for you
in this
parched and weary land
where there is no water. (Psalm 63:1)
Do you know that God is looking out for us? He is not a distant God, but very much up close and personal. He wants us to give Him our attention day by day, moment by moment and to know that we can really walk with Him. God looks for those who will seek Him out. If we are honestly thirsting to know God, then He won't leave us unsatisfied.
I often pray, "Lord, please help me to keep in step with you, not to run on ahead, not to lag behind" and this is my prayer for you today.
Make that appointment with Father God; meet with Him and walk in agreement with Him. As you do so, may you find refreshing for your soul, the direction you desire and may you discover all the benefits of walking in step with Father God as the writer of this Psalm did:
'Your unfailing love is better than life itself... You satisfy me
more than the richest feast... you are my helper, your strong right
hand holds me securely.' (Psalm 63:3-5)