In Luke 19:1-10, Ephesians 1:20, Romans 12:2, Luke 12:7
Continued from page 3
Day 7
The last thing Jesus did to bring change to Zach's life was that 'He acknowledged Zach's decision'. In Luke 19:9 Jesus says, 'Today Salvation has come to this house!' Jesus made a point of not delaying in acknowledging Zach's change of heart! Jesus did not say, 'Are you sure Zach?' or 'Zach this decision does not affect your statutory rights', or 'Would you like to take up the money back guarantee offer?' or 'Would you like 40 days to think it over so you don't make an emotional decision?'
Jesus takes up Zach on His offer immediately! Right now where you are, Jesus is prepared to listen to you and take you at face value on the things you say. Today would be a great day to make some life changing decisions. You could decide;
- To quit some addictive behaviour
- To stop a cycle of thinking
- To repent from your way of life
- To attend a bible / leadership training college
- To get more involved in church life
- To pray & read your Bible more
- To pursue the Call of God on your life without delay.
Whatever your decision, give it to God in prayer today, act on what you say & watch God help you to change your life!
Zach did three things for a changed life
- He acted on God intrigue
- He rose above his obstacles
- He changed his mind
.....and so can you!
Jesus did three things to help Zach's life change
- He was prepared to be interrupted
- He threw His lot in with Zach
- He acknowledged Zach's decision.
.....and He will for you to!
Hope to see you soon, living a changed life!
Be Audacious