Proverbs 3:6

Continuing our special seven-part series....
Day 5
If I was the devil
I would help you. find excuses.
When I was young, the excuses that I came up with for making bombs,
lighting matches and giving black eyes were either lies, OR merely an
attempt on my part to justify my shocking behaviour!
The truth?
If I was the devil, I would help you to find the most creative excuses
for your acting the way you do.
The devil has had thousands of years experience in making excuses. He
has helped millions and millions of people to make excuses for why
they did wrong and why things turned out the way they did!
one thing to make excuses, but what actually goes through your head
when you look in the mirror last thing at night? The truth is that God
wants us to live lives that are totally honest. HE wants us to be
honest with ourselves, each other and Him.
An excuse may be a little bit valid, or more probably it's a lie, but either way it doesn't help us to face the fact that we are ultimately responsible for the way we live.
So how do you beat the excuse trap?
1. Look out for the oldest one in the book! The blame game! When questioned, Adam blamed Eve! We need to take responsibility for the things we've done.
2. Recognise there will always be an excuse not to achieve everything God has for you.
3. Wake up or change your name.
If we know Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we carry His name about with us. The term 'Christian' means to be 'like Christ' or 'little Christ'.
We either need to wake up, accept our responsibility that we have been called and equipped by God to do his work OR we should change our name.
4. Rely on your greatest friend and supporter.
God doesn't expect
us to do it alone. On our own, we will make excuses and will struggle
and strive to be all we can be. But God's promise to us through the
Bible is that He will help us if we let Him. Look at this verse from
the Bible:
Proverbs 3:6: 'In all your ways acknowledge Him (God) and He will make your paths straight!' God will help us if we simply acknowledge Him.
PRAYER: Dear God, Please help me to live without excuses, and to walk honestly before you. Today I take responsibility for my life. Amen.
Devotion extract taken from the book, "If I was the Devil". Written by
Glyn Barrett. Published by Sovereign World, ISBN 1852404035. £4.99