Galatians 5:7

Day 4
If I was the devil
I would attempt to distract you
How can you make sure you don't get distracted from God's plans and
purposes for your life?
Once when I was driving my dad's car
through the suburbs of Sydney, I accidentally cut a guy up! Not
literally you understand, (I am not a serial axe murderer). I drove
the car in front of his, and if he hadn't braked, I would have been
dead OR he would have been dead OR the cars would have been pretty
messed up. The next few moments can only be defined as insanity. He
got out of the car very angrily and made his way towards me whilst
gesticulating in a wild manner and clenching his fists. I thought to
myself, "Self, this guy is going to eat you alive!" So I did what
every other brave and courageous guy would do.... I rammed the car
into first gear and took off. Thinking I had just escaped a near
calamity (i.e. my head on a platter), I looked in my mirror to
discover the guy was now chasing me. His car Vs my dad's car.
Fortunately dad had a good size engine and so the chase ensued (Yes, I
did keep to the speed limit!) At one point he overtook me, and drove
his car in front of mine. He braked slowly, forcing me stop to the
car. When I did so, he again got out and this time I could tell he was
seriously going to re-arrange my face - so I reversed a little, drove
around his car and took off. You guessed it - he came again!
I turned onto a dual carriageway and he chased. Now travelling at good
speed on the outside lane (still within the limit), I took my one
chance. Seeing a break in the central reservation, and no oncoming
cars, I did what I had seen the guys do in 'Dukes of Hazard' - I
jammed on the hand brake and turned the wheel (N.B. don't try this at
home!) Somehow, miraculously, I did a 180 degree turn and drove off
back down the other side of the dual carriage way. It happened so
quick, the guy who was intent on squashing my nose missed his chance
and had to carry on the other way. My heart was pounding, I couldn't
believe what had just happened - it was like a movie.
And all
because I cut him up. Hey, listen to what Paul says in Galatians 5:7:
"You were running a good race, who cut in on you?"
You see, if I was the devil, I would do everything I could to cut in on you and spoil your momentum, ultimately distracting you from pursuing God. When I cut in front of that guy in Sydney, he got mad. Hey, it's time to get mad at the devil! Don't let him distract you and get away with it, Fight back, get mad, make a decision not to be distracted!
There are 4 ways to stop the Devil distracting you:
1. Remember
'curiosity killed the cat'
2. Value what God values
3. Don't
get sucked in by hype
4. Make wise decisions.
PRAYER: Dear God, Help me avoid the Devil's distractions, and run my race with my eyes fixed on you. Your purposes for my life are the best! Amen.
Devotion extract taken from the book, "If I was the Devil". Written by
Glyn Barrett. Published by Sovereign World, ISBN 1852404035. £4.99