Hebrews 4: 13, James 5: 16, Job 33: 25, Ephesians 2: 8

Before breakfast the hair was sticking up at unimaginable angles, mascara was smudged down one cheek and her nightwear had shrivelled around her body so much in bed she looked like she'd got it on backwards.
After breakfast, she stepped out of the door looking radiant, her hair unaffected by the intermittent heavy breeze, her clothes neat and well-ironed. With hands and fingernails in an immaculate groomed condition, she unlocked the door of her MG convertible.
Make-overs, eh? We do them on ourselves, we imagine how other people would look with them, and we wonder what Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen would do to our living room if we let him. As a society, we are obsessed with looking good and covering ourselves up - trying to fit in with the ideal - whatever that is!
Our message is simple - people don't just do physical make-overs to
hide the spottyness underneath. We as Christians can be guilty of
trying to attempt spiritual make-overs - trying to cover up the fact
that we are struggling with repetitive sin, or that we have massive
God and life issues. In other words we try and sort our problems out
in our own strength at surface level, so that we can maintain this
mask. 'How are you?' asks your mate/pastor/youth leader/everybody's
Aunty Jean when you walk into church on Sunday morning. 'Fine! How are
ya mate!' you call back in a cheery voice.
Fine? Yeah, right.
Hebrews 4: 13 says 'nothing in all creation is hidden from God's
Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of
Him to whom we must give account.' What's the point in trying to cover
up to God (who sees everything), others (who will see it eventually),
and lastly, yourself (which is just plain daft!)? I think we've all
been there.
So what to do? Firstly, find someone who is mature and trustworthy and be accountable to them. James 5: 16 instructs us to confess our sins to each other so that we can help one another.
Secondly, let God sort your problems out. Funnily enough, He's pretty good at this business. Job 33: 25 says, 'he prays to God and finds favour with Him, he sees God's face and shouts for joy; he is restored by God to his righteous state.' Can this be said about you?
And finally, remember, God is the only one who can save you. Ephesians 2: 8 says, 'for it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God..'
Don't attempt to do this by yourself. Look to Jesus, keep your eyes on
Let God give you a make-under and the make-over will sort
itself out.