Ephesians 2: 8-9, 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31, Luke 10: 38-42, Matthew 22: 37-39

A few weeks ago I was at one of the best Delirious? gigs that I have been to at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. This magnificent building was rammed full of 3,500 people all givin' it for God. Martin Smith, lead singer, paused whilst leading the entire audience in one of their anthems, 'History Maker', to give us a real thought-provoking moment. I'm gonna be a history maker in this land, I'm gonna be a speaker of truth to all mankind. is how the lyrics run, but Martin took us back to a basic root of our Christian faith, saying something along the lines of, 'it's all about what's in here..' pointing to his chest.
I've heard a lot of teaching lately about the Church being the body of Christ, and how we all need to seek God to find out where He wants us to fit into His team of workers. This is crucial for a growing church that is able to facilitate God's work, and we all need to do something rather than sitting on our backsides letting everyone else do the work (see 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31). It is vital that we try and live like Jesus did, with care and service.
However this isn't the whole picture.
On hearing that Jesus was coming round, Martha rushed around like a domestic goddess gone wrong. When Jesus arrived, her sister Mary spent time with Jesus like a lovesick puppy whilst Martha continued to fuss around (find this story in Luke 10: 38-42). Jesus said that Mary had chosen what was better.
Ever heard that verse that talks about good works not getting you into heaven(Ephesians 2: 8-9)? I always thought that this just referred to people who had never given their lives to Jesus. It does apply to them, but it also applies to Christians too. It is seeking and living out God's grace with all your heart, which brings about your salvation, not the ministry that you do.
The Mary and Martha story ultimately shows that loving God is more
important than service and ministry. Whilst service is important, it
does not take priority as Jesus points out; '.love the Lord your God
with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This
is the first and most important command. And the second command is
like the first: love your neighbour as you love yourself..' (Matthew
22: 37-39). These two commands run closely with each other, as by
loving other people you are showing your love for God, but NOTHING can
replace your relationship with Him. It exists because of His grace and
redemption of your soul, and this gift from God is that which brings
about your eternal life. Think about it.