James 1:17, Genesis 1:27, Proverbs 23:7, Matthew 18:19, Romans 10:17
Dale Eland considers the importance of our thought patterns aligning with God's Word.
![Dale Eland](http://d33hbnubgyqeqm.cloudfront.net/directory_images/3005.jpg)
A subject of science that I find personally fascinating, (please forgive my non-scientific version of the facts!), is the 'reality theory'. At school we were taught that matter consists of solid, liquid, gas - each made up of protons, electrons and neutrons spinning around. It was thought that these particles were solid in nature and behaved in a set, predictable manner. Aaah - then we studied light, a much vaguer concept and unpredictable as to what it really consisted of and how it behaved. But, we had a few pages in a textbook that we learned and wrote down and accepted as is.
Now, the amazing technology we have today to study the tiniest particles and the most enormous universe has revolutionised everything. Matter is not really matter when you break the particles down further - in fact, it behaves more like LIGHT. And LIGHT, well, that seems to be more like ENERGY than anything of substance. Then what are we, and does any of the universe actually exist?
Some deep, complicated questions that I for one cannot fully understand but I will say this: 'God is LIGHT and in Him is no shadow of turning.' 'We are made in the image and likeness of God.' So are we really essentially little light beams, or bundles of energy - choosing 'positive' or 'negative' thought patterns that energise and charge us either toward God or away from Him? The 'positive' thoughts would be God's Word, loving Him and His people. The 'negative' thoughts would essentially be listening to the fears and threats of Satan and his followers and allowing your actions to be detrimental to you and other people's lives.
How powerful is our thought life and processes that the Bible teaches - as a man believes so is he. How powerful is our agreement that where two or more agree so shall it be done. How powerful are God's words that faith is generated from hearing them. So, if God is light and when we chose Him, that LIGHT is in us, how is it that we succumb to the imaginary fears and shadows that attempt to overpower our thought life?
The power then is not in the 'matter' or the 'physical', but the struggle is for the 'energy' or 'thought' patterns that essentially govern us and determine our decisions and destiny.
While science and the Bible should never contradict each other, our
first point of call should always be God's Word and not science that
determines our behaviour. What thoughts consume your mind, heart and
ultimately your actions today? The reality you believe may not be the
reality that is real. As you look into God's light, know that the
shadows you fear from a false belief or perception will evaporate and
your light will begin to shine forth for all the world to see.