Matthew 6: 22-23
Continued from page 1
1. Time - This is more than just a measurement of time. It is being generous with the quality of time given. I don't know about you, but when someone is with me I can usually tell when they are there physically but their mind is otherwise engaged! God wants us to be people who nourish others who hang around us, people who are attentive, give lots of eye contact and smile.
2. Material Stuff - Hang on lightly to the possessions we own, especially the stuff that we value the most. Now I'm not saying be careless, trash your clothes, lose your mp3 player etc, there's probably someone in your life who might just get annoyed with that approach! Just don't put 'things' above relationships and helping others in your life. Remember, it's OK to own things, but don't let things own you.
3. Hospitality & Helping others - "Then Jesus said to his host,
"When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your
brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbours; if you do, they may
invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a
banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you
will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at
the resurrection of the righteous." (Luke 14: 12-14)
Nuff said.
4. Encouragement - Encouragement is like food, it is one of the most needed inputs we receive. Most of the time through we suffer malnutrition coz we don't get enough of it! The usual problem is that we often have a low self esteem and feel insecure. When we are around those who make us feel insecure it is hard to big them up because it reinforces our feelings of inadequacy! But when we encourage those people it destroys the power of insecurity because we feel God's affirmation by Him reinforcing our true identity. i.e. Satan says I'm inadequate or useless, but when I encourage others I am saying "this is who I really am, an encourager, a chip off the old block, just like my heavenly Dad."
We can't get caught in the trap of waiting for others to notice us and encourage us before we give out encouragement. Don't wait for the feelings, start today! Be an encourager, holding on lightly to material things, giving time to others, showing hospitality and looking at life through good eyes.
My prayer today is:
"Lord Jesus thank you for being so generous to me. Thank you for
giving everything you had to make it possible for me to have my
relationship with God made right. I don't want to live life squinty
eyed and envious of others, I want to be like you and be generous in
all the areas of my life. Please help me to hold on lightly to
material things and be ready to give whatever you give me to help
others who need it more."