Jeremiah 6: 16
Hello there all you faithful readers, and new readers. How was
Christmas? Have you breathed a sigh of relief as the relatives leave,
and you regain normal life
Did you set yourself any New Years resolutions? On New Years Eve friends and I got together and shared highlights of the last year and aims for the coming year. My target for this year, is to say next New Years Eve that God used me, that I allowed Him to use me. I thanked God for my family - my blood family and my spiritual - church family. I have some amazing friends.
Are you like me and see New Year as a real opportunity to make a big
fat fresh start. Last year was last year, it's history already, this
year is a mystery
waiting to unfold.
Between Jesus' birth and His death and resurrection He made heaps of choices and went on plenty of Journeys. What about you? What are you going to do between your Christmas and Easter? What choices are you going to make?
Jeremiah 6 v 16
'This is what the Lord says, 'Stand at the
crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, and where the good way
is, and walk in it, and you will find rest
for your souls...'
Can I encourage you to start this new leg of the journey on the ancient path, to follow Jesus and seek His ways. This passage is found in the bit of the Bible which focus' on a period when Jerusalem was being torn in two, war was at large. God's people are making a choice about what way to go, and God is all the time encouraging them to follow Him, to trust His path, and walk in it. He encourages them to lift their eyes from the earthly situation, to look to Heaven and follow. God assures them that there they will find rest for the soul-they will find peace.
Sometimes we look at God's ways and compare them to the glittery ways
of the world. We may even think that Gods way is naff and so choose to
go it the worlds
way. We can look at the ancient path and think
how out dated! How can that way be relivant to today - but it is. The
worlds ways offer quick escapism but not
eternal hope and
security. That rugged and ancient path may seem old but I am convinced
it is the answer to this worlds pain.
Matthew 7 v 13 - 14
'Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is
the gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction, and many
enter through it. But small is the gate and
narrow the road that
leads to life, and only a few enter through it.'
Are you at a cross roads? If so, can I encourage you to follow Jesus'
way this year, and for the rest of your life. God is faithful, and
will see you through
life. His way is hard at times but perfect
for you and those around you.
His way leads to life.
Start this new year with Jesus at your side. Invite Him into your new
year, your choices and your ups and downs. Stick to His path and you
will not be
I entered that gate when I was 18, and over the last five years or so I have come to times when it seems I have the choice to continue or to take the other path. I am sticking to my God because His promises are full of love and hope and eternal promises. It was the best choice ever, and as for me I will be serving God, and if you want to join me on the narrow path jump on now, come journey with Jesus and me. I suspect we have some adventures and missions to go on.
So I look forward to seeing you on that path. Take care and God Bless
you all.