Ephesians 6:18, Matthew 6:7-8
"And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and
(Ephesians 6v 18)
"And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like the pagans, for they
think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like
them because your father in heaven knows what you need before you ask
(Matthew 6 v 7-8)
Prayer isn't about long speeches, but neither is it simply about short ones. It's all about speaking and listening to Jesus.
Last week I was reading my daily devotion, (while slurping on my morning tea), and was challenged to consciously say short sharp prayers constantly throughout the day. So I did; and I encourage you to do the same - it is amazing!
I have a gift for creating mountains out of molehills, and so to stop myself from recreating the Lake district in Stoke, when I saw mountains forming I kept saying over and over again... "Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus", "Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus". "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight", "Trust in the Lord". Very simply and short prayers, that work.
Praying stopped me from panicking, praying made my spirit stand still and remember that God has these situations and me in his hands. It was as if when I prayed I was placing the situation back into Gods hands rather than thinking it was mine. Praying was a place to give over to God those things that hinder such as worry, stress and concerns. Praying was a place I could take a U-turn from the road to self-destruct. Praying is a place were we can say to God, "I give this to you; now tell me what to do".
So if you are panicking now, stop! Quickly bring your eyes back to Jesus remembering, believing, trusting he has you and your life in his hands. He is the Alpha and the Omega, he knows your today and tomorrow so he has the answers. Remember that in the storms of life if we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus we can walk on water, we can walk through the storms. Also remember too that if you do take your eyes of Jesus and start to sink, as soon as you ask God to "save you" he will immediately reach out his hand and save you. He did it for Simon-Peter he can do it for you.
How do I know this? Because in the storm of last week I walked on water because through prayer, I "kept looking to Jesus!"
Say it...
"Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus", "Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus". "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight", "Trust in the Lord' 'God hold me and carry this with me".
I pray that God will remind you by his spirit to give it over.