Romans 12: 4-5
Each of us has one body with many parts, not all parts have the same
function, so it is with Christ, we who are many form one body, each
member belonging to the other. We each have different gifts, according
to the grace given us.
(Romans 12: 4-5)
There's a phrase that says...'you are only seven people away from knowing the world'. All this means, is if you took seven people you know and then they listed the people they knew, and all those people listed the people they knew and so on, then in no time at all you are likely to have indirect contact with all people. How crazy is that?
So when Jesus commissioned His people to,
'...Go into all the
nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything He has commanded
you' (Matt 28v 19-20)...
He wasn't asking for the seemingly impossible, but a truly attainable
Sometimes I think...'Like what? Jesus how can I reach the
nations?' Well if the above is true then He wasn't asking for
impossible things, He was simply asking me to touch the people around
me, who in turn affect those around them and so on and so on.
As we tell the few about Jesus, the ones and twos, they will tell the others and so on and so on- and who knows soon the nations will be introduced to Jesus, and maybe we will see nations restored, families saved and peace in our world.
I personally have been totally blessed and challenged by the responses I have received in reply to the Bible Studies I have written for Cross Rhythms. To think that all I do is spend an hour or so at my computer writing and from that it would seem people from all over the world have been encouraged. It's amazing now with technology how much easier it is to touch the nations in the name of Jesus.
You can affect the masses by reaching the few. Is this not what Jesus did? He had close relationship with only a few, yet from that, hundreds of other lives were changed, renewed, healed, revived, saved through the over flow of His work, His death and resurrection.
Jesus is calling us to be light in a dark world, to bring hope to those we meet and greet. You can make a difference for Jesus, take time to talk to the person sitting opposite you in the office- they may need some hope, pray for the person on the TV chat show desperate for hope, help your school mate through their difficult time, pray for the person in front of you at the cash point. Ask Jesus to give you the words to say, look at the people you meet through Jesus' eyes and love them like He did.
Jesus goes after the lost sheep (Matthew 18: 10-14). If you are a lost
sheep, Jesus is trying to reach you, seek Him, stop and look at Him,
ask Him to help. If you are a found sheep, safe in Jesus, then ask Him
if you can help Him with His rescue mission. Everyone has a part to
play, and all the parts are as important as the next. Who is Jesus
asking you to bless, to give hope to today?... So what are you waiting
for?.... Be part of something amazing! Jesus is raising His body, and
He wants you to be part of His family.