Psalm 16: 5-6
Normally if you're given a gift, you accept it right? Well it would be considered impolite if you were to turn your nose up to it; And you wouldn't want to deny yourself of something nice that would enrich your life would you? Psalm 16:5 says - 'Lord you have assigned me my portion and my cup.'
Note the word 'assigned', it means task, mission, fixed appointment.
You have been designated your very own portion, a cup that is yours to
drink from.
Its a cup of overflowing, a cup of sharing in Christ
empowered living, that brings freedom even in the face of adversity,
which Psalm 23:5 talks of.
Your portion is that which you are to take hold of and possess. Your cup is your infilling when that which has been bought for you (your portion) has been possessed by you. This is undeniably safe and secure, its your inheritance as 2 Peter 1:3 says, 'His divine power has given you everything you need for life and Godliness through our knowledge of Him.'
But there are things that would seek to prevent us from possessing our portion and from having a full cup, that which would ensnare you and inhibit you.
Are there issues in your life that act as boundary lines, perimeters that keep you from the joy of your salvation and rob you of your peace?
It may be an ongoing struggle with something, a mind set that needs breaking, undealt with sin. Or maybe an interest or passion that gets in the way of you and God and that you should surrender over to Him. Your portion will never fully be yours if there are strongholds in your life. Maybe you have become accustomed to strongholds and have accepted them almost to be a part of your character, being content to cohabit with them. It was for freedom that Christ has set us free, not experiencing momentary victory but a journey of continual victory.
If we have been given divine power to demolish strongholds, shouldn't we be standing on the word of God and be taking hold of it?
Or are we content to go on getting glimpses through the fence of the boundary lines, that would keep us from our delightful inheritance and keep you from fulfilling your calling. Challenge your position! And do not keep the enemy sweet by permitting him to keep you from living in the land that cost our Saviour so much.
Your cup was designed to overflow with hope - Romans 15:13
comfort 2 Corinthians 1:5,
thanksgiving 2 Corinthians 4:15,
love 1 Thessalonians 3:12,
praise Psalm 119:171
You are assigned to it, its your responsibility to take hold of that
which you were destined for.
Let those boundary lines fall and let your cup overflow.