CR spoke with Yan Nicholls about Forever 2012
Continued from page 1

Yan: That's right. We've got a Viking ship from Norway coming in to Newcastle and we've got about 400-500 Norwegians coming over. We're working with over 40 churches in Newcastle. We've got about 120 people coming in to Manchester working with the churches, because that's an Olympic city. Coventry, plans are away. Weymouth, we've got our commercial sailing yacht. It's got the prime site right in the harbour and so we'll turn the top deck into a stage and we're working with churches in Weymouth and Portland, which is amazing. There's Cardiff and Glasgow. We've been sending teams out in preparation for churches who might want to engage with the games.
Sarah J: If people are interested in getting involved and they are not part of any of those local churches, how can they get involved?
Yan: They can simply go to our website. Even if they just want to pray and they don't want to come, they can go to our prayer section. We're running 24/7 prayer throughout the whole of 2012. They can see how many nations are praying for the UK during this year; or they can sign up and pray themselves. They can sign up to bring a team, or come as an individual and serve one of the airports or train stations, or a variety of projects that are listed there on the website.
Sarah J: If someone comes and serves on a team, they get some really good training beforehand don't they?
Yan: They do, yes absolutely. We've got a two day training camp we're setting up. We're turning our site here into a tent city to cope with the hundreds of people that will be arriving very shortly.
Sarah J: In terms of people that you would be looking for to help out, are there any particular requirements you have for the type of people that you'd like to come and serve on your teams.
Yan: It's helpful if they've got reasonable health, because you're
going to be on your feet quite a bit and you're going to need to be
able to get around and go with whatever happens, but apart from that
if you are willing and available we'd love to have you, as long as you
love God and want to serve people, then that's what we really want.
Hey Yan am trying to reach u my friend it's seif from Egypt ! Send me your email lets get in contact :)