Kat Mills on dealing with COVID-19

I don't know if you have ever heard the expression 'if the world gives you lemons, make lemonade'. It definitely doesn't translate in the same way in the UK, because the American version of lemonade is more like our version of lemon squash. The moral of the saying is still true: lemons may be a bitter fruit on their own, but you add some sugar and water and you have a delicious sweet tasting drink. When in life we may be thrown things that on the outside look and appear to be bitter, choosing to make them into 'lemonade' is looking at choosing a positive attitude towards a situation. The willingness to look at things in a different and creative way.
I feel that applies more than ever to the situation we find ourselves in due to Covid-19. It is fair to say we are living in very unusual times, with things happening that a lot of us have never experienced. I am writing this day three into lockdown, where we are only allowed out of our houses for one walk, and for necessities. Schools have closed, businesses shut, and we 'celebrated' Mothering Sunday without being able to see our mothers in person. It is fair to say it can feel pretty bitter, and hard to swallow - life's version of lemons.
So how can we turn this around and embrace what life has thrown at us in a positive way -how can we make 'lemonade'? Something I am trying to do as a parent is to make this time as fun, special and safe for my 6 year old as possible. I am keenly aware that he picks up on how I am, and so I want to make this a time of home adventures, baking, art projects, writing songs and hilarious family video chats. It's full on, I am tired especially with broken nights, but I am choosing to find the moments of joy and reasons to be grateful.
I believe in a good and loving God, and when I open my eyes and heart I am really aware of all the blessings he brings, even during the challenging times. I also believe he is incredibly compassionate and wants to walk with us through these times.
I think it is important that we name and process our frustrations, fears, anxieties and woes. The reality is we do need to grieve what we have lost, whether that is physical family connection, holidays, work, projects we have been building towards.
We then need to choose hope and choose joy. We can choose to name what
we have to thank God for. I am thankful for my house, and for my
husband and son, I am grateful that I have food, and online connection
with people. I am grateful that we can live stream sermons and
worship. I am grateful for the incredible men and women on the
frontlines of this battle who are working each day and night to keep
us safe, and I am most grateful for God He provides hope and peace. I
can say that even through this awful pandemic I have felt the most
incredible sense of God's presence through peace and hope, and I am
trusting that He will provide daily.
So at this time I am
choosing to make 'lemonade' with the 'lemons' of this time, I am
choosing to make happy memories for my son, and to share the joy and
hope of Jesus with the world.
Stay safe!